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the more science discovers the more it points to a creator

So someone created this tiny tiny planet and all that is in it, and then decided to create the universe, the size of which is unfathomable but then decided not to replicate life as we have or any form of life at all?
When you think about it, the Universe is still expanding so this creator must still be very busy making a planet here, a star there, a little galaxy over there?

The more science discovers about this planet and the universe the more it points to evolution.


when people start refering to a creator as a he or she then thats were the plot gets lost.

evolution goes in 3 stages.
it forms new life, it evolves
then it eventually dies
then its reformed/reborn again in another order....

why do we get so amazed at the universe . its only matter isnt it. 92 constituants that supposedly make up the whole thing?
what amazes me is what human beings can create with the power of love and good. acts of human kindness and sacrifice have blown us all away but i've never got to excited at the process which forms a star.

theres positives and negatives in everything. cells, psychology, physics, faiths and the universe.
when somebody dies we cry, but yet their memory, love and genes lives on through us. isnt that evolution?
when we have a baby we celebrate and hope that we can make them a better verison of us, through love and new evolution.
just go with what makes you positive and happy and leave the rest for time to unfold....
doest it really matter whos right and whos wrong....No, its only matters what you think ;0)


all matter is made of pure energy a tiny flux which combines to form 92 different known elements, energy is neither gained nor lost just changes form, whatever you believe about how the human race and the earth is formed, how energy forms matter is still unexplained and where all the energy and matter came from in the first place is not known and points to the fact it was somehow created so there is a creator of everything, what form that is no-one will know so that comes down to belief and faith , even with evolution pre humans such as neandathols are vastly different to the homosapiens that are on the earth today no-one has found the missing link and no-one can explain why evoluton jumped forward so quickly during the cambrian period 50,000,000 years ago ,so from an uneducated man who doesnt have a clue about much of anything, i am just happy i was lucky enough to be born as even this seems like a miracle to me when i think about it .


Oh, I love these past few comments... When I first arrived in London I worked for a a Jewish guy who spoke Hebrew, and we talked about the beginning of the bible, when it says, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. And he said, that in Hebrew, 'word' 'vibration' and 'thought' are all the same, which makes perfect sense to me generally, and so if creation was the result of a thought vibration and we are -as again it says in the bible -, made in the image of God, our thoughts also have creative powers, and don't we all know it, that our thoughts, words and 'vibes' we give and receive are all interlinked. And perceived and received via energetic connections. We feel the energy, vibes, thoughts whatever you call it even amongst us here on TF as much as we feel the intention of our neighbours or whoever we sit next to on the train... that same energetic vibration is there between the cells in the body, that what scientifically is all that empty space - empty it may be of physical matter, but not of energy that somehow has been given a consciousness to create, destroy and receive.

That empty space, whether within us or between us is the vehicle by which 'evolution' changes us, by which we can be comforted through the positivity, healing thoughts, love or good humour from others, or debilitated by negative, aggressive and harmful thoughts and feelings by others.
The difference between thought and feeling is the sensitivity towards that very energy, that very vibration, some are more sensitive, some less so, but those who deny this thought transference exists deny the very fabric of our being. Incidentally, that is were homoeopathic medicine comes in - it is a vibrational remedy attempting to 'fix' the distorted energy between cells ... also, when when people speak of a placebo effect, this can be very real healing on a vibrational level, that is felt before the body chemistry changes accordingly. The thought ALWAYS comes first, and I believe that, yes, there is a higher consciousness, an original thought, that brought everything into being, but that those sparks of the same creative energy are within us all, and that is what gives us the power to change and influence things, having fortunately been given the freedom of choice. In the words of H Sasportas, "we are not pinned like butterflies to a board of fate" or Grandmaster Chee Soo "People don't know what true freedom is .. I wil leave you to make of that what you will.

Incidentally, in Hebrew, it never said 'God', it said 'Gods', which according to many sources got changed into a singular over the centuries for the convenience of religious leaders in different cultures and countries. I find all that fascinating, there are the archetypal Gods in the Roman and Greek and Hindu and Egygtian and how many other traditions, all representative of various aspect of human nature, the realisation and very clear awareness that energy is expressed through our personalities and actions and needs, that they carry consequences for oneself and others.

And energy travels in waves, the Taoists called the opposite ends of the curves Yin and Yang, and our lives are governed by day and night, inbreath and outbreath, happiness and sadness, and our body's attempts to achieve a state of homeostasis, (i.e. 'the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, esp. as maintained by physiological processes') as our minds and thoughts strive for that equilibrium, a balance that helps us survive intact. What good is all that then? If we are aware of the existence of creative powers within us, then we are no longer victims, we can make things happen, baby step by baby step to get us closer to the life we can dream into being. Now to find the right person/people/circles to share the same vision with, that 'thinks' and creates into the same direction, that's another story... we are still caught up in the too many cooks scenario .... but who cares? Life is a beautiful, like Gary says, 'miraculous' adventure, we don't have to understand it all to cherish it and, well, make sure what we create is part of a better world.


Not for me.... Evolution is where we and all things came from. If we were created by an all seeing and all knowing creator, then why create us to evolve.....? Was he/she not happy with what they created in the first place....??
There is a serious theory by an Oxford Professor of Philosophy, Nick Bostrom, that we are actually living in a computer simulation created by "post-human" intelligence. See Are You Living in a Simulation? You may or may not be aware that scientists have determined that the "cosmological constant" is so finely tuned that it seems very unlikely that it could have been completely random (it's 123 decimal places, and if it was out by even one, then life could not have evolved). This would then require "intelligent design". Which scientists hate. So physicists then came up with the multiverse theory to counter that. Multiverse theory says that there is not one universe, but an infinite number of universes, each with a slightly different setting for the "cosmological constant" number. This satisfied scientists that they did not have to concede to "intelligent design" i.e. some sort of creator. HOWEVER, they fell into a logic trap which the philosophers quickly pointed out, and that is, that if there are an infinite number of universes each with different "cosmological constants", billions of which would harbour no life (wrong settings), and billions of which would harbour life, then there is no way to know, or even assume, that OUR universe is the most optimal universe. That being the case, it is logical that there could be much more intelligent life in any number of these superior universes.Ergo, no one can refute the possibility that we are in fact living in an "ancestor simulation", being run by post-human intelligent life who are curious to see where they came from and how they evolved...

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