First post and porcelain tiles are driving me mad

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These were from Homebase a few years ago. Called Luna Beige, these are 597x297 then they made them 600x300 later then stopped altogether. Look great up but no chance of finding more and if we did chances are they would be the later bigger version.

All the cross cuts went ok, did 40-50mm the other way no prob, just having a hard time length wise at 35mm. My lack of skill and using the TS isn't helping.

Tile giant let me have a couple to practice on but those were ceramic so like butter compared to these.

Read posts saying shock the breaker handle, but the Rubi tended to spring and absorb a lot of the shock so reduced the effect. Doesn't seem to like these tiles

Tomorrow's task is get some cuts done Picked a disk up for the grinder so got a few methods to try.
Bought a diamond cutting disk, had to find something local and toolstation have an offer on one that looks very close to the turbo ATS one. Even if i don't use it for this job it's worth having one. Will test cut in the morning and see how it performs. Can return if no good so worth a shot.
I've just spent 2 days cutting those Wickes hard as rock tiles with an angle grinder and an ATS continuous rim blade. My Sigma could not cut them without the tiles sharing off in all directions.
Same......did a bathroom last week, cut them width way no problem, length way....forget it !!
To get a cleaner edge when you cut it you can score the tile first then cut beside the score line . Sometimes if you try to cut all the way through on one pass it can still break out at the end so in that situation I cut all the way through first two inches then maybe half depth for the rest then starting at the other end full depth before cutting the rest full depth .
Thanks guys, got some good tips there. Feeling a bit more confident about it now.

Not doing it just hypathetical but what would happen if we scored it and cut the 35x600 strip into say 35x200 by doing side cuts with the grinder and snapping the 3 pieces out or half cutting through from the back and putting it back on the Rubi to break it. Do snapping and grinding not mix well.
Turns out cut was more like 29-30mm. Tried the over the bench method on a scrap piece but just ripped chunks out and took wasn't breaking straight despite a deepens score. These tiles just don't want to play.

Resorted to the new wheel on the wet saw as not confident of cutting straight with a grinder. Plus wet will hopefully last longer. Wow... Ok verrrrry slow but the cut is smoother than the uncut side.. And once tickled with the Rubi block you have hard time telling which side it was.

Two tiles cut, brew then few more to go

Using one of the Abracs Expert diamond blades toolstation are doing for 9.99 just now. Only 115mm but fits the saw and grinder. Thin at 1.2mm but cuts clean with no chipping so far. Even if it only lasts this job out I'd be happy.


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