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My sister isen't happy, she posted the following after some 'rob dog' came round to give her a quote for a wood burning stove to be fitted. The total he wanted in the end was just short in the region of 3.5k, I think when the man told her his day rate was £900.00! it put her slightly in the loony tune department for an hour or so...

Does make me laugh though...bit of negative feed back is probably what they deserve.

North East Boiler Sales & Services Delgaty - LocalMole Business Directory


in all honesty i dont see the problem here?

if your going to install a wood burner your right you dont have to put in a liner as long as your chimney is sound and has no leaks etc....however its still a better installation as tar and ash etc can build up and there is a small risk that may cause a fire if not regularly maintained by a sweep company

if i was an installer i would be specifying a liner on every job as well to be honest,

his price is irrelavant,if its too expensive for the homeowner to use him then dont use him but i think slandering a company on the internet which could potentially lose him a lot of business is bang out of order considering he hasnt even done any work.

al he has done is given his advice and a price albeit its too high for the customer

i get told by customers at times i have over specced on the job etc and also that i am far too expensive compared to other quotes,,,,fine thats the end of that,i would be seeking legal advice for slander of my name if someone left that attached to feedback for me on the internet based on a quote only.

just my opinion ;)
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Thanks for your comments, the upshot is she got 4 quotes in, and went with the one who has been doing it for over 30 years, and was £1500.00 less than this guy, and he was not the cheapest. He arrived when he said he would, came along with a couple of references, some photos of other work he had done. He took his time to do the inspection, explained what needed to be done, and basically she felt confident that he could do the job. Thats the key to it, taking the time to explain everything and re-assure the customer, not like the other guy did telling her his day rate was £900.00 plus materials. As for the time the other guy spent to advise for a quote, he was there for 15 mins, umm perhaps you think he should charge for that as well?

A feedback form is there for a reason, if you sign up for these kind of websites, then your not going to always get good feedback. You cant have it both ways, there are probably some customers of his that would disagree with what she said and are happy to pay this kind of money, so let them put their feedback up to.



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I just think 900 quid for a day rate is out of order. It's not like he's a w.... banker. Only they get that sort of cash don't they?

Bit of a chancer IMO. Not sure about the feedback bit. But perhaps he'll be a bit more competitive if people stopped calling due to his day rate which is a good thing for customers for sure. Perhaps he'd have to change his holiday from St Tropez to something else though next year.


I'm of the opinion you can charge what you want as long as the customer has all the information beforehand to make an informed decision on who to go with. Giving a tradesman a hard time for giving a quote and being expensive is out of order IMO. She got 4 quotes chose the one she wanted and was happy to go with him. The negative feedback was unfounded as she received all the info she could have needed to make a choice, which she did!

Created on iPhone.....


Im sitting on the fence with this one........ (so much so Ive even got splinters in my :ciappa: )

An extortionate day rate, but at least he has been up front & honest.

If you can afford to overprice a job ( dont really want or need it) and then somebody pays you that price, then fair play IMO.
I have overpriced many a job as I didnt really want the hassle or got a feeling the client or environment was pure grief, only to find they agreed :mad2:

Maybe he works on the opinion that he quotes like this for 50 people in a month (optimistic I know) but only gets lucky with and works for only 5 days a month for clients paying top whack. I know as a teenager I had the same outlook when out clubbing (had a few slaps too!! :lol:)

As for the feedback...... we live in a transparent world nowadays and I know of at least 6 places where a disgruntled client could leave feedback for me if they wanted to. They havent as I have never deserved it. I think her comments are fair enough can be positive or negative...both are based on the clients (or prospective clients) opinion and their experience of the trader :thumbsup:
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interesting points int his thread which relate to our advice and our bsinesses on here

tanking kits for 1........if you can do the install without a tanking kit which you can and many do why are we advising them and speccing them on jobs sometimes even stipulating that they must be installed as part of our guarantee of workmanship terms ?

that is what this installer has done he has said as part of his install he wants to install a liner.....which he doesnt have to i agree but it still makes it a safer long term install if he does this

would the tilers and installers on here be happy if every customer they tried to sell a tanking kit to left slanderous remarks about them?

Andy Allen

don't really get the leaving feed back on just a quotion, his day rate is high, and unless you could afford him you wouldnt use him, but its just a quote, you get more quotes as we keep telling peeps on here, then you make an informed choice who to go with. but he hasnt actually done anything, apart from give a quote......or am i missing something?


interesting points int his thread which relate to our advice and our bsinesses on here

tanking kits for 1........if you can do the install without a tanking kit which you can and many do why are we advising them and speccing them on jobs sometimes even stipulating that they must be installed as part of our guarantee of workmanship terms ?

that is what this installer has done he has said as part of his install he wants to install a liner.....which he doesnt have to i agree but it still makes it a safer long term install if he does this

would the tilers and installers on here be happy if every customer they tried to sell a tanking kit to left slanderous remarks about them?
there's a big difference between supplying the customer something you believe is a necessity e.g. a tanking kit and telling them that their flue is faulty (when it's not) and trying to sell them a flue at an extortionate rate and a day rate that would keep me very happy for the week. yes i want to earn as much money as possible but i could'nt sleep at night if i charged a customer anywhere near as much as that. this guy obviously works on the principle of milking the punter for whatever he can and knows he'll probably never see them ever again


it doesnt state anywhere on here that the flue or chimney was faulty

as far as im aware it only says he was going to install a liner on the job,he is well within his rights to do that for the reasons i stated above i.e a chimney may well be in good interior condition at the time of install but there is a very small risk without maintenence programme ie a sweep to remove tar and ash build ups over time that there could be a risk of fire from not installing further down line albeit a small one

im sure most of the guys who install these daily dont bother putting liners in if the chimneys are in good nick...thats up to them

ill repeat myself if i was an installer i would be looking to install liners as well

that way i could sleep in my bed knowing 100 percent that job was left safe

whatever this guys charges is none of my anyone elses business,its his business and hes running one
if he wanst to lose work as hes too dear then thats his issue but you cant bad mouth businesses because they were too dear if you didnt use them.

all this guy has said is you need a liner for that installation

he is allowed to do that as he has been asked to spec a job to his standard of install


i agree mike i wouldnt pay 900 quid a day for a tradesman........and thats where it ends

the thing is boiler installs the guys can make serious money...possibly as much as that quoted if you break down the work and if its an easy install for them

they are the ones with the qualifications for the job ,i dont agree it should be as dear as that and id love to get the plumbers bill down a bit;) but thats as far as it goes

my only gripe with this is the way the tradesman has been left a negative unwarranted comment as he can charge what he likes and its the reason we have the freedom to get as many quotes as we like

you cant get the quotes then crucify the dearest one im afraid,that is in my book wrong


do you think £900 is a fair rate to charge a customer for a days work? would you like a tradesman to charge your elderly mum or young daughter that? i know i certainly wouldn't like it. we're all allowed our opinions on here and mine is that this guy is a crook. i just hope nobody gets duped by this guy.

I think you're missing the point Mike.... He's not Duping, conning or misleading anyone. He's been upfront with his quote and his charges. The customer thought he was too expensive, so chose not to use him and that should be the end of it! I'm by far the most expensive tiler in my area. I give my quote to the customer and they make the decision to use me or not... Does that make me a crook or a Conman......?

Created on iPad.....


to be honest mike most feedback i have seen if not all of it on websites etc if for jobs done,what they thought of the install

fair enough leavin a comment if the guy was rude or aggresive or something

hes only real crime seems to be giving a high price and saying he wanted to put in a liner i dont think that warrants what hes been given

i guess that is another debate;) please no more lol ,should customers be leaving feedback after getting several quotes on who they thought was trying to rip them off with the highest price ...god help us or god help me possibly;)

i dont think thats fair just my slant on it

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