Getting hold of control panels before they're binned Electrical Advice

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Getting hold of control panels before they're binned Discussion ThreadGetting hold of control panels before they're binned Electrical Advice

Hello all,

Will here, do you or have you worked on any sites where the old control panels or switchgear is in danger of disposal? If so, please let me know who best to contact (i.e. site managers, scrappys or yourselves), as I will do my best to save it.

Like many of us on here, I am sick of seeing this amazing historical equipment being lost to history. And over the last 5 years on my time off ship, I have been building connections in order to get a hold of the gear before it is destroyed. I will find the site, it's location, who owns it (Land Registry is your friend), what will, or what has been done with it (local news sites for that), and the names of companies that are operating on the site. Then go and ask if they want to part with the equipment. If the switchgear is ear marked for preservation, then I'm happy and will move on.

If museums etc don't want it, I will get a hold of it with the aim of repurposing it as either props, or heavy, heavy-duty wall panels similar to what @Mark W had done in his thread linked below This is just to make sure at the very least it all stays in existence.
What would be much better is something like the late & great Lucien Nunes' museum, but I simply don't have the resources for that.

This is my first time on the forum, so pardon the errors if any made. Looking forward to hearing back and seeing what we can do.

Full ahead,

Getting hold of control panels before they're binned for the original thread on Electricians Forums


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