Discuss Google+... will it take over facebook. in the UK Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK

You all know how much a fan of Google I am. And I don't think they'll do it I'm afraid. Though I wish them all the best with it. (Just in case they're watching!)

Facebook new registrations are on the decline in the UK. Not saying they're still not getting bigger, they are. They're just getting bigger slower and even FB are worried, they've paid millions to "Analysis's" to do reports to try and find out why that is.

Even though, it's still the one place that's made it before the rest. Same with eBay, Google, Microsoft for PC's, Apple for TouchScreen Phones. And tilersforums.com for Tile Forums haha. Once you've made it in markets which are new, and you help shape the way it's done, you don't get overtaken easily.

Just like Google's previous two version of this, Buzz and eeerm, the other one I never even heard about but read the name the other day and I've forgotten it, this Google+ isn't worth investing your time in as a business, and hardly worth registering to as a personal user. You'll already have your existing contacts in Facebook, so why have two sets of contacts going?

Just my 2p.



You all know how much a fan of Google I am. And I don't think they'll do it I'm afraid. Though I wish them all the best with it. (Just in case they're watching!)

Facebook new registrations are on the decline in the UK. Not saying they're still not getting bigger, they are. They're just getting bigger slower and even FB are worried, they've paid millions to "Analysis's" to do reports to try and find out why that is.

Even though, it's still the one place that's made it before the rest. Same with eBay, Google, Microsoft for PC's, Apple for TouchScreen Phones. And tilersforums.com for Tile Forums haha. Once you've made it in markets which are new, and you help shape the way it's done, you don't get overtaken easily.

Just like Google's previous two version of this, Buzz and eeerm, the other one I never even heard about but read the name the other day and I've forgotten it, this Google+ isn't worth investing your time in as a business, and hardly worth registering to as a personal user. You'll already have your existing contacts in Facebook, so why have two sets of contacts going?

Just my 2p.

Oh, they could pay me and loads of others of the same opinion, they shouldn't have mucked about with the version they had working perfectly say, what, 2 years ago? Since then all the phaffing with redesigns has been offputting, and much of the fun has gone out of it, the fun applications which were safe and easily accessible really don't feature any more, a bit like reducing the iphone to a mere phone, it has to be fun!

As to the the Google+, personally I am starting to suffer online fatique, so am not going to jump on yet another social network saddle, I'm struggling to keep up as it is, there is a REAL life out there! I had a look at the Google+ preview and someone said they share too much on FB and not enough on Twitter, maybe Google will get it right, but in the end it will be a personal choice, myspace went downhill quite rapidly, didn't it? FB is supposed to be yet updated again, let's see what happens with that.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
MySpace as sort of levelled off now and is heavily orientated around bands and their followers, of which there is an increasing number what with all these tv shows about that sort of stuff. At least from what I can tell and have read.

Google should have bought FaceBook and Twitter. That would have been cool. FaceOogle and TwOogle. haha.


MySpace as sort of levelled off now and is heavily orientated around bands and their followers, of which there is an increasing number what with all these tv shows about that sort of stuff. At least from what I can tell and have read.

Google should have bought FaceBook and Twitter. That would have been cool. FaceOogle and TwOogle. haha.

Nope, no way. Don't like all this google domination. It's handy for now, but it also gives me the creeps. Too much power already.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I'd like google to take over FB,,,,,,if they got rid of farmville, cityville and all those other daft apps!
Block the apps doug as you see 'em in your news feed. I spent only a few days (as you see the same ones all the time) bothering with doing it and 90% had stopped. The other 10% I've worked through over the months just as and when I see them. They're normally not the common ones like the 'Villes' and 'Wars' ones.


If anyone with an iPhone has donwloaded the Google+ app yet, I just read this and sharing, in case it's useful to anyone, from the app people..:

We discovered an issue with the version of the iPhone Google+ App that was on the App Store. When we launched, the App Store started serving a previous test version of the App which didn't have the stability and fixes that the latest version had. It started serving the correct version a little later. If you downloaded within the first 1 hour 40 mins, you may have downloaded the older test version.

To check:
- Click on the gear icon on the top left of your App's homescreen and look right above the Help button, the version number of the App should be:

- If that is not the version number, then please uninstall and reinstall by clicking on the link below: Google+ for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4 on the iTunes App Store

Google+ for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4 on the iTunes App Store

Learn more, read reviews, and download Google+ by Google on the iTunes App Store.


I don't have an iPhone, so wouldn't know, but slowly getting used to google+, I think it may have potential, does seem more business orientated, like a longer message version of twitter maybe? We'll see. Still don't get what the +1 is all about, on other sites, too, what does it do when we click it?

I think it's basically a like button... Which is really good for your website as the amount of +1's show up on google searches next to your site or post.


I think it's basically a like button... Which is really good for your website as the amount of +1's show up on google searches next to your site or post.

ah, ok.. it's just that on the google account it said something about enabling or disabling it, or something like it, to funnel ads etc in your/my direction, or not, I couldn't get my head round it, so I opted for no, no to something anyhow... do I sound confused? I am..

and do I add that to my website somehow or what? Getting network-obsessed...
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ah, ok.. it's just that on the google account it said something about enabling or disabling it, or something like it, to funnel ads etc in your/my direction, or not, I couldn't get my head round it, so I opted for no, no to something anyhow... do I sound confused? I am..

and do I add that to my website somehow or what? Getting network-obsessed...

You could be right Gisela, as I haven't looked or read everything about it yet. When you find out let me know....


Update on google+, for those of you who may have thought about it for a bit and then forgotten again. I've been on there for a few days now and must admit, I think it will take over facebook, twitter, possible even some forums :yikes: Why? EVen thought it's still really empty in there and it feels like arriving early at a party and everyone is hanging around not really quite knowing if it's worth staying, it seems to grow in popularity for all the right reasons.

The right reasons are: All the contacts you have you can put into different relationship circles, some are there already, if you want to use them, like family, friends, acquaintances, and you can add say tile people, artists, customers, suppliers, or nice people, cretins but useful, whatever you like really, similar to lists on twitter. Now when you feel like writing anything or asking a question, after you have written it you can choose if you want to share this particular bit with an individual only, in which case it becomes a private message, or any circle, or any number of circles or any circle plus certain individuals, or make it public, for anyone to see who happens to look at our profile page.

The other good reason is the incredible photo software they use, when you upload the photos they show in incredible clarity, at least as good as on flickr, the slideshow is on a fancy black background, what a way to showcase your work and again you can choose who can see these photos the same way you can with messages.

I have a circle for my girlfriends for example, so we can have a good girly giggle or natter on there, but if I post something workwise that I don't mind the public or just some circles to know, like my girlfriends and artists and tile people with or without photos, or added videos or links, I have that choice.

As yet anyhow there is no advertising, no daft games, and you can make what you write as short or as long as you like, and edit the content or delete it any time afterwards, ther is no time limit to edit your typos or content.

Then when you have 'shared' your bit whatever it is, in the top right of the textbox there is a little menu with different options, the edit option as said, then the most useful one being the 'stop reshare' option, if you want to make sure no-one passes your photos round, or you can disable comments or delete comments, or even report them to google for any horrible reason.

As in twitter you can also just have people in a circle who you have never met, but you are interested in what they have to say in public, so you see there public updates.

Everyone you put in a circle can see that you have put them in a circle, but the title of that circle is known only to you, so if you want to put horrible people in a circle which you need to keep sweet with they will never know that they are in your 'cretins' circles. (I don't have one of thsoe, just saying..:) When you log in to google plus and you just want to see what your friends are doing, you just click on your friends circle under the word 'stream' (that the news stream on your google+ homepage, and you see the updates just from those friends.

Another good thing is the Sparks thingy, Sparks are mainly the subject you are interested in. Say you are a football fan and add football to your sparks subjects, you will, on another page, read news on football, or even on a certain team, google+sparks scans the news on google on that subject and gives you the main stuff. That's just for you to read then or to share as you wish.

Now, with your workphotos, you could put your best work you want your customers to see in a public album, - you can have loads of different albums, no problem, and then give your customers your google+ adress and they see your work displayed in the best possible format. You can also put comments under your photos, or give any contact details you like.

The google+hangout is like an extended skype conversation with webcam, I haven't tried it but my best friend from Germany has, you can have webcam conversations with several people at the same time, she said she and another friend even watched a youtube video on there at the same time as talking about it, so that will have future potential for sure, and she said the clarity and reception was amazing.

As far as I know you stil need an invitation to get on there, as it is still in the trial stage, but I would urge you to get on now and get used to it all in the comfort of the still pretty empty room, if you want an invite PM me your email address, as that is what I will need and I will invite you. You will get an email from google+ saying that Gisela has invited you and you click on a link. You can then see the people I have in my circles as yet and what people have me in theirs, and click on them, adding them to your circles, like for example Rob-(Colour Republic), or Phil or Dan are on there, and when they see that you have added them they can add you, or not, the choice remains with the individual.

My strong hunch and that of many online marketeers who I already follow on there is that this will take off big time, choose a comfy seat now and the people you want to get cosy with on there. It's free and it will help your business eventually, without a doubt.



Hi all - I'm not a tiler, just a customer, but I think G+ will really start to take off. I believe it has already got nearly 30 million users and has only been up and running 3 wks. I personally would really welcome being able to explore work from people I'm looking to engage to do work for me and G+ is a really easy interface to use.

Feel free to add me to G+ and say hello. :)

Daisy Connolly


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I too totally take back what I originally said. I think Google has actually got it this time. And for businesses (which hasn't even been launched yet) if it's as good as it is with the social side of things, it'll really be beneficial to be on there. It's google after all, and they only make money when businesses do.

It'll really localise Adwords. Something they've already improved on in their core system, but something that if it's involved in Goolge+, it'll pay dividends for local businesses.

Brilliant post G. :)


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
The Sparks thing on google+ is quite amazing really. I added Scarborough (UK) to my sparkslist today and hey presto, I get all the important local news right there, nice and tidy, including entertainment programmes, council decisions, all sorts. Well pleased. :)
I'm trying to get my head around the algorithm for that lol Would love our forum content to show up there.

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