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Hi All

I am a plumber but I commissioned an excellent tiler to tile a bathroom wall and floor for me. The tiles in both areas were a sort of light brown with the floor tiles being a slightly darker shade of brown. Anyway the colour of the grout used on the wall tiles was white whilst the colour on the floor was grey. I did question my tiler about this but he replied saying, that white floor grout would get dirty anyway so it is better to use grey. No grout colour was explicitly specified and he didn't suggest I consult with client. Anyway she is very upset about it and can't understand what we were thinking. She considers the grey grout to clash with the white grout on the walls and is not now willing to pay for the job.

My tiler is currently away at the moment but I think he will respond. However I guess I could do with some second opinions. I appreciate I have to take ultimate responsibility and I accept we both have to take responsibility for what perhaps was a poor judgement. However I would hold him somewhat more responsible since he is the tiler. The rest of the work seems great to me.

That said was there some merit in suggesting a grey grout? How difficult now will it be to change it? (small bathroom and WC floors 2.5m square on fitted ply using a Bal Superflex grout and Bal fast setting flexible floor adhesive) Suggestions appreciated!



Mmmm tricky one.
In my opinion i think the tiler, maybe in retrospect should have asked what colour grout are you thinking of having, but i can't see why the choice is such a problem as this would be what the majority of customers and tilers would go for.
You have two shades of brown tile, trying to match these shades in brown is nigh on impossible. White floor grout no matter what make or type will get dirty and look unclean. Grey floor and wall grouting would make the room look dark and heavy.
What was displayed in the show room where the tilers were bought, or what colour was the customer expecting.
The grout is removable, but replacing dark grout with a lighter on requires the removal to be done thoughly or the darker shade will show through.


There are however a lot more options and colours available. from a variety of different makes and manufacturers. I always seal my grout with FILA grout protector after installation as well.
Lesson learnt to always ask the customer what they want and advise accordingly. But i for one would not recommend putting white on the floor even if it was sealled and protected. But having said that it doesn't leave Grey as the only other option.

Any chance of a picture so we can have a look, as removal is not going to be easy in any case. But it is rectifiable. Think though in my opinion the customer is entitled to not pay the full balance if unhappy, but if grout colour is the only complaint then your entitled to part payment of the balance until the issue is discussed, rectified and everyone is happy.

Who provided the scope of work to the tiler? Yourself? or the customer?


Thanks bugs183 and AliGage. I am not sure bugs, what grout she was expecting as they got the tiles and the agreement was we got the grout! What I think you are both saying though is, it is possible to replace the grout even if a little difficult. At the moment I dont have access AliGage, but perhaps if I do I maybe able to get a photo. I think she will pay if shes happy but some discount may need to be given.

I have also been reading an earlier thread which makes a good case for using a dark grout. Perhaps if I show her that, she might let me back in??!

John Benton

I never let the customer leave the choice of grout colour to me. It leaves you open to all sorts of after problems.

I would generally show the customer my grout colour swatch against the tiles and let them select. I always say to them it's you that has to go into that bathroom/kitchen every morning for the next ten years, not me. I can only advise what grout colour I think works best with the tile. Simple but it works.

Plumbing Tiler

Just a thought?, is she just trying it on to avoid paying or looking for a discount?, it seems strange that she didn't specify a particular colour for the grout but then is unhappy with your/tilers choice?, usually when people are choosing tiles they have an idea of the look they are after, and what colours appeal to them, even if it is only what they saw in the showroom on display, I am sure you have learned a valuable lesson from this episode, never ever get involved with decisions on colours, it is fine to advise and pass on your opinions but never take the decision on your own, you may think you are helping but as has been said before you are actually just putting yourself in the firing line, as lets face it, everybody has different tastes so what you think goes may be their worst nightmare!, I think if you do change the grout or re-colour it then there would be no need to give her a discount as you will have rectified the problem, which legally she has to give you the chance to do, good luck mate.


Thanks folks. Yes a valuable lesson has been learned. In future I will ask and advise - not assume or knowingly allow a sub-contractor assume.

I don't think JB she will accept the colourant - presumably this is not as enduring as proper coloured grout.

Having showed her some of your views in the previously mentioned thread, what I think I will offer at least, is a discount if she leaves it as it is! Easier even than colourant!


Very awkward one this. Personally it sounds like the customer may be trying it on a bit. You need to find out what she wants the job to look like, and rectify it, then she should pay you the full price, especially as you were not told what she wanted in the first place.
95% of jobs go well, but it sounds like this could be one of those jobs i'm afraid, where you just have to bite the bullet whether you are in the right or wrong.
I'd go round and ask exactly what she was expecting and what she wants done about the situation, then the ball is back in her court.


Thanks Bugs, Oli and AliGage.

I hav'nt offered anything yet. She has sent me letter and I am considering the options before I reply. I might actually suggest the colourant. If the grout was coloured white and so sealed, would this mean it would also be less prone to staining? It would also be perhaps a less expensive way for both parties, of demonstrating that white grout on floors is not advisable?

Yes I am less in favour of offerring a discount now, focussing more on making things right.
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