i i just grout as normal but make sure you dont grout where Silicon gos then clean the siliconed joint with blue roll and Silicon ,if you do get any grout in area that needs Silicon just scrape if out with grout rake and clean then Silicon area then grout straight away
One job I did was a kitchen splashback using smoke grey grout and Gaz gave me a good idea, thin grout line on the worksurface, then clear Silicon all the way along so the grout line showed through the Silicon, looked really good 🙂
You need to ensure that the joint that your are siliconing is free from grout as best you can, then use a coloured Silicon (as close as possible) to the grout you are using.
The reason for this is the Silicon is acting as a 'sponge' to allow movement between the worksurface and the tile.
Silicon will cure quicker than grout...If you Silicon each wall you finish..then grout from where you started tiling and sealing from..the timing is perfect.Push grout into the Silicon without touching it with float.......Gaz