Grout Widths

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The role of grout is as a filler and an expansion joint to allow for movement. Grout widths are dependent on the substrate and thermal movement inherent in the flooring and it is not always prudent to fix tiles with a narrow joint.

How would you ascertain a grout width for a particular scenario then?

Warm Regards

alright mate, how do they do it, well it don't take a rocket scientist to work this out 🙂 or does it 🙁. This is what they would do. They would work out how much movement is in the floor and how much it will move over time. This is done with a gauge to test for flex on wood and they drill holes in concrete. If there is a lot of movement they sometimes install whats called a floating floor. Then its all down to the tile size. The architec would work all this out and thats what there paid for. I could if you all wanted to get the formula on how its done, guy next door does this for his job.
Yes Please can we have the formula and any generic information regarding the tiler / architect relationship.

Many thanks
Would they recommend the grout width then or is it up to the tiler based on the scenario? Have you ever done this test to determine grout width?

Warm Regards

The architect would work this out in conjunction with the tile and adhesive and grout manu. In the commercial world what ever the architect says goes no ifs or buts

So if I want to do commercial work I need the services of an architect?. What kinda services would I require from them?

Warm Regards


The architect would work this out in conjunction with the tile and adhesive and grout manu. In the commercial world what ever the architect says goes no ifs or buts
i don't mate, i have only ever done domestic tiling myself but since i go to south birimingham college we have weber, bal, Mapei and other companies in come in and demo there products and teach us how to use them. We have some great tutors there who have worked in the commercial tiling in all the life and that how i know so much of them and the architect next door.
I have been tiling for nealry two years now and i'm sorry to say before brian c lays one on me that most of the private training providers are crap. I have learnt so much in 5 months and i have completed my course in 6 months not 12 months because i have already been tiling for nearly 2 years now and i would say i could tile to a very good standard.
i don't mate, i have only ever done domestic tiling myself but since i go to south birimingham college we have weber, bal, Mapei and other companies in come in and demo there products and teach us how to use them. We have some great tutors there who have worked in the commercial tiling in all the life and that how i know so much of them and the architect next door.
I have been tiling for nealry two years now and i'm sorry to say before brian c lays one on me that most of the private training providers are crap. I have learnt so much in 5 months and i have completed my course in 6 months not 12 months because i have already been tiling for nearly 2 years now and i would say i could tile to a very good standard.

What did you do before tiling proper.


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