Deano, this is straight from their website (top of the page)...
"A 6 mm thick cement backer board for tile and stone, to be used as an alternative to plasterboard or plywood for tiling on floors, masonry walls and countertops"
Additionally, I called them (tech dept) to find out more about it and how it should be fitted and they told me that it was not suitable for floor boards, it had to be ply wood first.
I called them again and they said the opposite. (So now there are saying what it says on their web site)
I called them again yesterday to finally try to get to the bottom of what the hell this board can and can’t do, I asked "what is the benefits of fitting these boards to a timber floor", she replied, "it will stop your tiles cracking" ...that was it... very fluffy answer imo!
It was very clear to me on 2 of the 3 calls that the tech dept did not really know what the where talking about, there answers not only differed but there answers to specific questions where very fluffy / vague.
Look at their website, they are clearly claiming their boards have anti flexing properties on timber floor or you would need to plywood first then fit the hardier but they are clearly saying there boards are a
replacement for plywood on a timber floor!!
I’m just trying to get to the bottom of this, do you need to plywood a timber floor first as per British
standards or do these boards irradiate the need for plywood...
that is the million dollar question that hardie cant even answer