Personally i wouldn't have any of them mate......... if you just saw the logo on it's own the last thing you would think of would be tiling. I know you will always have writing with it but if you could find an image that suits the name as well as the trade it has to be better and more productive.
If you are hoping that after a while people in your town are going to recognise you just through your logo then i don't think the knight logo would be as effective as something that suited the trade. (Because it don't represent tiling, and most people would assosiate the picture of a knight with Jousting, history, war and er.... round tables etc i don't think it would stay in peoples heads) . I think you should make it more personal to yourself and what your all about.
Also i think you should deff talk to DevonR, he made a lot of sense in his first post and if this is his first trade then his knowledge could be priceless mate. Take your time cos the last thing you want is to be changing your logo 12 months down the road cos you don;t like it.
But hey, i aint an expert mate this is just my opinion. Good luck buddy