I think your latest post has confirmed my earlier opinion - you understand what will be required when you start a tiling career!
After 36 years I still learn things as new products come out and new techniques are required with the diverse number of adhesive available etc.
And although I've replied previously with regard to training courses, I'am of the opinion that you cannot sell your wares as a tiler after 3/4 days training, all this will give you is a basic understanding of the trade.
When I started ( and I can hear the groans all the way up here in the North-East) all I did for the first 4 weeks or more was grout! And when I made a good job of that I was allowed to do a few cuts! And ........
So even after a 4 week course as Danny has implied ' we still struggle to include as much as we do' you will find it difficult to have all the confidence that a few good jobs will provide. But without these courses you are only going to pick up bad habits and poor workmanship - so agian my advice is to go for as long as you can afford, learn everything offered and ask loads of questions.
We are here on the Forum or you can PM any member for advice