Hi Murphy, some great advice there.... i guesws you have plenty to be getting on with lol.
Don't worry too much about trying to get all the tools at once as you will find there will be many tools that you aquire as the need for them arrises on a particular job.. i'm sure trade tiler do a starter kit for newbie tilers.perfect for yourself.
In terms of learning how to generate business i am more than willing to help you out (just pm me your questions) and i will give you some good ideas. All the other stuff you need to know regarding tiling issues you can get the answer from this web sight..... this is where you will learn most of your trade.
As Fekin pointed out it is just as effective starting out small and working yourself into this game slowly, it takes time to learn mate so don't be in such a rush to get big.... There are a few on here who can vouch for me that i give my absolute soul into this business and am only now just starting to feel the benifts, so get yourself a plan in your head and stay focused on it as a single parent you have got your work cut out but you CAN crack it if you use us lot on here.... there are some seriously good people on here whould would stay up all night trying to help you out so use it as this place is probably your best tool.
I go on about it because if you are really determined to make this a carreer then don't give up just because you can't get a loan (you might be better off starting without one anyway mate) there are two people on here i look at as as part of my company because their advice has become so invaluable to me, they make me money with their tiling knowledge, combined with my own drive, determination and ermmmm chat! i am on for a big year, so listen to all the above advice but most important make some good contacts and you will do well weather you get a loan or not.
Good luck