Help with wet UFH Install.

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Im involved with a large renovation project at the moment and due to other jobs on the go and other people not pulling their weight we are falling behind. I've got two bathrooms to take from shells to completion in three weeks!
I've now taken on a labourer full time to cope with everything. If we can get on top of the bathrooms and try to tile a third in three weeks we've caught up and i can start the downstairs on time. Its a wet under floor heating install tiled with 600x600 porcelain.
The floor previously had a Travertine install over a microbore wet UFH. With no height issues i was hoping to just remove tiles and install onto the existing screed. That was until someone went right through all layers with a kango and hit the cold main to the kitchen.

I've had to get down to the leak and then in doing so made it inevitable it all needs to come out.
So Im now down to the concrete slab that was under the insulation.
Im wondering how to approach this because i now have to build this back up by approximately 7". Im after the quickest solution to insulate, install wet UFH and be able to tile.
Having to rebuild has made my diary very very tight. I have two bathrooms lined up at the end of March and don't wanna loose them because of someone else's mistake.
You will need 100mm insulation, but could be reduced if you have any height issues. The screed will need to be 55-65mm thick. If you ring Wundafloor and give them the room dimensions, they are the cheapest about.
Easiest if you don't have specialist tools like clip guns and pipe decoilers would be to use visqueen over the insulation, then use clip track to hold the pipes and then liquid screed wich is able to take the heating on quicker amd you are able to tile onto faster.
Will get the tablet out and look at that Neil.
Owners want to be in by the 14th of March. There's my three weeks for the bathrooms.
Once in they will use a makeshift kitchenette ill probably get tasked with in the next three weeks in the soon to be formal dining room.
I have two bathrooms on offer end of March or first week of April.

So i need to be able to squeeze prep work in in the next three weeks so i can tile after 14th and before April.
Floor is 100sqm
Wundafloor can deliver materials in 3 days from order and get plans back very quick. Should be about £ 1500 inc manifolds,pipe, clips amd edge insulation.
Insulation should take a couple of days, including visqueen ( make sure its well taped at the edges) would take me and a lad a day to fit pipe ready for screed.
if you work forward to screed ( this will need booking in)
plans to price.then delivered 5 days
Install insulation and pipe. 3-4 days ( best start on Monday and order screed for Friday) then no one walks on it over the weekend.
inwould then leave a week, then turn heat on low and ramp it up over the next week. Drying time for tiling has been well documented on here, but its down to a few variables.
Outside temperature.
inside humidity.
how much you dare force dry. ( not recommended but does work)
you could work on 1mm a day but it can be longer or shorter. At the end of the day it's dry when its dry!

as a crude but brilliant way of moisture testing. Use a part full tin of paint with a 12 inch square of visqueen under it. Move to different locations daily.when no condensation appears underneath the floor is dry. ( dry enough for tiling)
EPS100 polystyrene Insulation and underfloor heating pipes install 1 to 2 days
pressure test 1day
Edging, slip membrane and screed (50mm nominal anhydrite) 3hours (delivered at 48hours notice)
7 day wait
comission underfloor heating system and force dry screed 21 days
switch off for 48hours
moisture test using correct equipment 48 hours
tile using gypsum based adhesive and uncoupling

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