I was asked by a member how I was doing in Topeka, Ks USA and if I was able to stay busy as I am a new member and cannot reply to private meassages I decided to share my answer with everyone in tiler forum
but before I do thank you for letting me join your forum
Yes, I am staying pretty busy I'm not going like gangbusters, but the Lord does supplies me work and over all He keeps me busy I mainly doing residential. Somehow when I finish a job another one shows up just after I finish I cant explain how this happens it just does and I expect it to happen and I always get what I expect so I just dont fret or worry and I just expect God to supply my needs
I pay my tithes and offerings first and foremost and make God my provider as I said I never stress or worry I expect my needs to be meet after I plant this seed by my giving in my mind its like a contract with GodI do my part He now has to do His
I just trust the Lord Jesus will prosper me and he does I release my faith to him in my giving soon I going tol increase my faith and start believing and paying above my tithes and offerings in a bad economy this makes no sence to most people but me it makes perfect sence becauseI truly believe in sowing and reaping so thats how I survive and stay busy if I need more I give more I base my income on my giving I believe it and it works for me
If this answers offends anyone I sorry I dont care to debate it because I dont question the results nor benefits from living this way
hope that answers your question nice hearing from you phil