Hi all.

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Good evening forum readers.im new to all this and trying to get myself establshed in edinburgh so may be hitting this forum with question`s to you all:thumbs_up:.I did start the tiling way back in march but had to put that on hold due to the early(very early)arrival of our son.Have now got back to work and seem to be going in the right direction with the tiling(apart from having the odd muppet trying to ridicule people seemingly jumping onto the trades people bandwagon)!!!! .I am still working as a production manager but waiting for my redundancy to happen enabling me to go full time hopefully by the end of the year.Already done 5 bathrooms,3 kitchens and 2 floors and have a trial with a plumber this weekend doing another bathroom which hopefully leads to more work!!
Keep up the good work as reading your comment`s,tip`s and general gossip has been interesting.
just sorting out cards, accounts, grants, got own kitchen to do plus one bathroom job to do.
good luck with the grants,i got naff from business gateway because of my age...made me feel great after that meeting!!!!!!!!
thanks for the warm welcome.have to shoot now,have a sh*ty nappy to change.
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