D davyh50 Dec 23, 2007 #1 Hi all, been qualified since early nineties but decided on an army career, just finished a tour of afghanistan and welcome back to civvy st, going to resume my tiling career and think this forum is the mutts nuts.:8:
Hi all, been qualified since early nineties but decided on an army career, just finished a tour of afghanistan and welcome back to civvy st, going to resume my tiling career and think this forum is the mutts nuts.:8:
D DHTiling Dec 23, 2007 #4 hello davy and welcome to the forums....we do try to make this a good place to visit or stay.....
G GazTech Dec 24, 2007 #10 Welcome home Davy, swap the rifle for a trowel.....be careful a trowel can be dangerous in the wrong hands.....Mery xmas......Gaz
Welcome home Davy, swap the rifle for a trowel.....be careful a trowel can be dangerous in the wrong hands.....Mery xmas......Gaz