C Colour Republic Sep 27, 2010 #35 Nah don't worry love, it'll look fine when it's grouted.... what's that? you want black grout, uh oh:yikes:
Nah don't worry love, it'll look fine when it's grouted.... what's that? you want black grout, uh oh:yikes:
T The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP Sep 27, 2010 #36 I would pay good money to meet the guy who did that, and listen to his excuses:yikes:
D diamondtiling Sep 27, 2010 #37 Love it, its a masterpiece in disaster, fill your boots mate, $$$$$$
C CCTiling TF Sep 27, 2010 #38 My word that is Poo!!!! to put it mildly! Good way of using up the offcuts though! :hurray: