hi guys thanks for all your interest and advice.
phoned up diamond today. had a chat about what i`ve done, what i can do and what i can`t. he seems to think the 2 week course would be best. so just a matter of getting the dosh together and booking my hols in new year.
can`t wait.
had an interveiw with the local business start up advisors who are in conjunction with the wda, (welsh development agency).
he`s emailed me a business plan to work through, and is giving me pointers, also gonna run thro cashflows etc with me when we next meet.
i was born to do this. i don`t know why i havn`t done it sooner. getting nibbles for work as i`m just telling friends what i`m about to embark on. couple of them nice simple kitchen splashbacks. i know you guys would rather i was qualified 1st. but they are close mates. they realise i havn`t done the course yet. thing is the extra buck i can earn here or there, the quicker i pay the course fee. swings and roundybouts, catch 22. what you think guys?