How best to Tile a room?

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View attachment 87730 That makes sense thanks, yeah I've been back buttering tiles, I've had to build up adhesive on some tiles and i even put another bag of slc down as the floor was sloping off near bifolds and the adhesive was getting too thick.

Has happened to me more than once and I'm sure there'll be a lot on here afraid to admit it its happened to them as well. It actually happened to me in a wetroom once where I ended up having to spread a 20mm trowel onto tile onto large bed of Addy. 12 years and its still down. Worked with tilers and have seen them stick half tiles under tiles to fill under. I know it'll be frowned upon on here but that's been over a decade bd still down so don't worry about you needing to use more Addy. Just make sure it aint to dry thou
I expressed my views about siting furniture over a floor to cover the setting out, not just on this example, but as a practise in general and really I couldn't be bothered with the opinions of those who believe it's correct.
I wouldn't get upset at what others want to do as that's their problem. But it does make me wonder about some of the expert advice that's provided, and whether they've read the code of practice laid out in the British Standard s for the setting out and laying of tiles. Or are so many self taught and believe that it's not necessary to learn the basics required in our trade.
All for centering a room john, when it is the beat way. I agree working off a center point that leaves a sliver cut isn't what I would do, BUT you can't tell me you always have a joint or center of tile, centered to the ROOM every time matter what. Because I know o don't, other focal points room shape, runs to corridors, other rooms etc etc all come onto play, and yea I do know British standards, and the basics, was trained and am qualified. I feel it is wrong to say that no matter what a ROOM has to centered
I expressed my views about siting furniture over a floor to cover the setting out, not just on this example, but as a practise in general and really I couldn't be bothered with the opinions of those who believe it's correct.
I wouldn't get upset at what others want to do as that's their problem. But it does make me wonder about some of the expert advice that's provided, and whether they've read the code of practice laid out in the British Standard s for the setting out and laying of tiles. Or are so many self taught and believe that it's not necessary to learn the basics required in our trade.

I have been guilty of doing this in a bathroom thou itll be covered by a bath so no one will ever see it.

Any decent books on the british standard tiling you can recommend?
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Morning, unfortunately I was suffering from a heavy man flu so it's not progressed as much as I would of hoped, but this weekend I did manage to finish the bathroom floor, I opted to not go for a short cut, but for a full tile and cut into the bathroom, I also had to shave 10mm off the tile going to the wall, it was probably more work than the other method but I believe it flows better inbetween rooms. For me the priority is now tiling the bathroom walls so I can get a bathroom fitted, you can see I was just sizing up the tiles in the background, I don't intend to lay like that, I do have one question.. is it better to leave 1 slither cut on the right handside wall, or is it better to have 2 smaller sliter cuts each side to make it even? I think I know the answer already but just checking, also I am planning to mark a 5mm line around the perimeter of the wall to leave for expanision/sealant, I plan to work out roughly the middle of the wall underneath the window and start from there. Perhaps I should create a separate thread for this?


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