White Room
I started back 71 on site and it was council new builds, solid plastering, clerk of works and solid built...
2 years later there was paramount, super thin walls..
Another site, Wimpey, about the same time, shuttered house frames, poured no fines concrete and this was a super fast building project for the council..dry linning, had a job to reskim some walls in one house which local anyway and the dry linning was bouncing all over the place..
This is'nt a new problem, in London a timber frame project burned to the ground recently and there was talk of going back to solid construction..
Lets be fair, a lot of 100 year old propertys are still standing but could they afford to build like nowadays, probably not.
Sorry about the waffling.
2 years later there was paramount, super thin walls..
Another site, Wimpey, about the same time, shuttered house frames, poured no fines concrete and this was a super fast building project for the council..dry linning, had a job to reskim some walls in one house which local anyway and the dry linning was bouncing all over the place..
This is'nt a new problem, in London a timber frame project burned to the ground recently and there was talk of going back to solid construction..
Lets be fair, a lot of 100 year old propertys are still standing but could they afford to build like nowadays, probably not.
Sorry about the waffling.
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