hunting for a 200mm blade

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really need to get hold of a 200mm blade for a rubi dw 200 n, does anyone know of somewhere in the manchester/stocport area that will sell me one over the counter. marcrist or rubi ideally. but any good porcelaine/marble blade will be ok. really appreciate any help:yes:
You will get either a rubi or marcrist from neil at buybrandtools..( ) for either over the counter then pass...CTD sell rubi blades but they usually have to ordered in.....

Screwfix do blades over the counter but not marcrist or rubi...
really need to get hold of a 200mm blade for a rubi dw 200 n, does anyone know of somewhere in the manchester/stocport area that will sell me one over the counter. marcrist or rubi ideally. but any good porcelaine/marble blade will be ok. really appreciate any help:yes:
BuyBrand are in Sheffield, maybe worth the trip accross the Pennines if you need it quick.
cheers for the advice you guy's. ordered one from buy brand tools today, not got a pass to cross over the tops, or is it that i'm to lazy to drive that far:hurray:


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