I was talking to a mate of mine tonight who is another tiler and he was telling me a story about another tiler who we both know. This lad has been tiling for 2 years he is local to me and a good tiler, but he was always chasing bigger and better jobs, anyway he was approached by a builder who wanted a 200sqm marble floor laying but it was in Scotland, so of he went done the job and then straight onto a large job in London, the builder promised him a really good rate for laying if he waited until the customer paid him...So off to another job with the promise of a very large hotel job abroad and payment at the end of the next job....And guess what he finished builder says he has gone bankrupt, and the customers were not happy with the tiling so he wont get paid for any of it...The lad is owed £7,000 he is selling all his tiling tools, van everything, and was talking about losing his house. So beware if you get promises from people dont get sucked in otherwise you will end up like this lad. And get paid for each job before you start the next.