Discuss Is it just me.... in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.

I had to drain a system the other day as the plumber let me down, lost his phone drunk...drunk for three days!!! anywho, not be using him again. However I can now drain and fill a combi system. Rang a mate back home who guided me through it. open rads, open red valve, jam with £2 coin;) One to me. If the next plumber doesn't turn up or turns up drunk I'll just plumb the heating in myself too. Over the phone also lol

Most of the laughable tiling work I actually see is DIY or "mate did it" work. Most of the bad work I see done by paid tilers is poor or non-existant prep - waterproofing is a regularly avoided task and the most likely to need expensive rectifying within a couple of years - but I have had a lot of work out of that - 4 shower rooms re-tiled with proper waterproofing just in January. Even now I have 2 bathroom re-tiles booked in where the re-tiling is only needed because there is a shower above the bath and leaks below. The second biggest problem is floor tile failures on wooden floors. That's a good 1 day earner to fill in the gaps left during the week so I won't complain too much. When money is tight customers look to cut corners with costs - but that rarely saves money in the long run. Yet I have 2 current customers delaying their work for a couple of months until they have the money to pay for the job to be done properly. There is also a lot of truth about customers wanting one tradesman to do the lot. I often get asked to do additional work because of my company's name - that's no problem I simply sub out to other tradesmen whilst keeping the overall management fees and tiling work for myself! Having said that there is a lot of cross over between trades - as a tiler you may have to screed, plaster, remove and re-fix plumbed fittings, remove and re-fit electrical fittings, employ carpentry skills to cut down doors and plinths for flooring jobs. How much or how little of that you are prepared to do does not make you a plumber, carpenter or electrician, but they are a part of completing the tiling work.
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