oh dear,you had me laughing well reading all that sir,patience is a must in this game,last week i near had heart failure when i was told the kitchen walls were to tiled on the 45 !! 7 yards of it! i talked her husband out of it but not her !!you can see the pics in the gallery,nearly 3 days to
tile it all!! then i thought the 17 yd floor was going square but she wanted a brown border,where is it i said? will you you cut it from these brown tiles she asks? lovely. each 330 mm
tile,all 20 of them had to be cut diagonally,then the 40 triangles cut again,then the 80 cut again! and again and again,pain in rear big style,she wanted the border small.didn't rob them on the price either.at least they were happy,phew,hard work.
Hillhead Tiling