The press didnt build john terry up,john terry did that by being an outstanding footballer,(as others have done giggsy owen shearer etc)he also chose to unbuild it by behaving in the arrogant manor that he has for the last few years,the british press are doing their job by reporting news,that by definition is what they do, report,, what exactly would you like to see them do,turn a blind eye because he england captain,and as said a role model to many many youngsters.these reporters didnt cheat on terrys wife,they didnt show total disrespect to peoples anguish(as terry and his cronies did on the evening of 9/11)in a london hotel.they were not told to leave a club for taking a leak in a glass at a bar then throwing it on the floor jurt cos he couldnt be bothered to walk to the bog,they didnt park there100k bentley in a disabled parking space outside pizza hut,when 50yards away is a 50p per hour car park,they didnt try to organise unofficial tours of the chelsea training ground for just 10k,this to a man who earns 135k a week(how many mts of trav is that?).no what they did is their job and brought to the attention of those who didnt already know what a no mark we have as captain of our football team,just goes to show as "del-boy terry" proves no amount of money buys class or morels.
rant over:incazzato: