Hi all, went to have a look at the 25m2 kitchen floor and the floor is not a floating floor and is of standard construction with chipboard nailed into joists. There is some squeeking and movement in areas but not a lot and the floor is made up of 3 rooms knocked through into one.
Travertine or slate is what the customer is looking to use and UFH matting.
My thoughts are to first,
Screw chipboard in areas of squeeking,
Lay 15mm Ply accross whole floor screwed at 300 centers to elimenate vertical movement and create one solid floor instaed of 3,
Bed UFH matting to PLy with a thin bed of SPF adhesive(keraflex most likley)and allow to go off,
Pour Mapei renovation screed SLC over mat to protect and give a good suface to tile on,
Not to sure wheither its recomended to put a Decoupler down ontop of SLC or is it over kill and will mapei SLC bond well to ply or is primer required?
Then tile as normal.
Correct steps?