hi folks have been doing a kitchen splashback.
Much though I have disliked doing it customer requested old tiles covered over with new 200 x 100 beveled tiles in brick bond.
originally just wanted splash back around the work tops. Then came back home liked the look of it and now wants the entire kitchen doing up above the cupboards round the doors, window etc.
Have measured it at 7.6m2 all in and reckon it would take me 2 1/2 days to get it all done ( still working at newbie speed + first attempt at brick bond)
so what do you reckon on price ?????
worked it out at 2 1/2 x £100.00 day rate
do you reckon £250.00 is ok or am I working too slow
cheers for any help/advice guys
Much though I have disliked doing it customer requested old tiles covered over with new 200 x 100 beveled tiles in brick bond.
originally just wanted splash back around the work tops. Then came back home liked the look of it and now wants the entire kitchen doing up above the cupboards round the doors, window etc.
Have measured it at 7.6m2 all in and reckon it would take me 2 1/2 days to get it all done ( still working at newbie speed + first attempt at brick bond)
so what do you reckon on price ?????
worked it out at 2 1/2 x £100.00 day rate
do you reckon £250.00 is ok or am I working too slow
cheers for any help/advice guys