layering S.L.C

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Andy Allen

could some one please tell me if its o.k to layer S.L.C,[in other words put a layer down wait for it to dry;put another layer on top] only i rang bal tech depo about this a couple of years ago and they said it was not recommended with there products,just wandering if anythink has changed since then, or if this is not a problem with mapei S.L.C.
It is always best to do in one hit if you can. If you need it to be deeer than the leveller you normally use can go - choose a different leveller. There are dozens and dozens available. However in terms of layering I hope its ok cos I done three layers on my floor. It hasn't moved in several years so think it is ok. I did prime between layers with epoxy and laid thenext layer whilst still tacky.
Always wait until completely dry between coats and prime with something like Primer G if using cement based leveller.
I was alwasy told by the Mapei rep that you could use Fiberplan up to 30mm in one single pour and have done so without problem, yet when you read the Data sheet it says no more than 10mm per layer.....
as the boys said the depth you need is going to be the key to what product to go for..slc ontop of slc is not a good idea in my opinion..the bonding issue needs to be bang on and an epoxy primer would defo be the way id go to cover yourself

A slury coat will help in the bonding but some SLC's state that if applying another coat then do so before the first is dry...and slightly still wet'ish... just stiff enough to walk on..but as always read the spec..:thumbsup:
If it's the Bal multibase you can add a specific aggregate which allows you to increase the depth of the slc.
Has enyone used Level Flex? its a fiber slc. I supposedly goes from 0 to 50mm. Used it a couple of times, seemed OK. Time will tell.


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