Listello strip

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I would be grateful for any advice.
I would like to use a chrome 10mm listello strip to break up my white tiles. I have the option of using one that's the same width as the tile, therfore lots of strips or using a long piece that comes in 2.5m lengths. Is there any advantages or disadvantages to either of these.

hi cal i am sorry ca not answer your question as feel tit is slightly vague in information. but if i have understood correctly i think what you should do is put the tile upagainst the trim and if it fits flush then it wil be ok to use if not then forget it hope this helps if not sorry

get urself registered on the forum would be nice to have u on regular many thanks:thumbsup:
Re: Listello border strip

Sorry, I don't know how else to explain it.
I haven't bought any listello decorative border chrome strip yet but before I do I wished to know which is the easiest to use. Either a long strip which goes between lots of tiles ie. 2.5m length or short strips which are designed to match the width of the tiles I am using ie. 250mm

I preferr the look of a continuous strip but am worried it could be more difficult to lay.
Sorry if I an unclear.

Re: Listello border strip

i would just get the long strip and decide if your gonna mitre the corners or not, then use a hacksaw and mitre block when u need to cut it.
make sure you have good coverage of adhesive on it.
boabs yer uncle.
2.5m listellos will look neater providing none of the walls are greater than 2.5ml..
then you will have an unsightly join, if this is the case it can look better to have the "matching" listello and lots of joins...
Im with pro here, get the 2.5m even if the run is longer than that. Just join it somewhere it isnt too obvious like a grout line or somewhere it wont catch the eye.
I did a bathroom for a client using large format polished porcelain tiles on walls. This broke up up the walls a bit and looked well.

Just make sure the walls are very flat as it doesnt flex too much
I agree with Davy and Pro, longer strips for cutting into corners without having to join them up. But beware !! if the row of tiles your strip is sat on are not perfectly straight , you have problems...the steel will not bend, and you will struggle. Personally I prefer ceramic listellos that are the same width as the tile, very classy.....Gaz
Just a personal choice here but having fitted those metal trims many times, i dont like them and you cant beat the look of real ceramic pieces.
Last week i fitted some, they consisted of 2 wavy chrome pieces and inbetween was a blue glass piece. Looked great when it was all polished up.
2.5m listellos will look neater providing none of the walls are greater than 2.5ml..
then you will have an unsightly join, if this is the case it can look better to have the "matching" listello and lots of joins...

Took the words right out of my mouth. Not literally, of course.


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