Wall and Floor Tiling Standards BS 5385 Part 1 and 2 Bristish Standards, ISO Tile Fixing Standard.

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Tiling Standards

Wall and Floor Tiling Standards for the UK: British Standards in Tiling.

Discuss Long overdue changes to BS 5385 in the Tiling Standards area at TilersForums.com.


Old Mod

Why are they not obliged to state which adhesive isn't meeting standards they advertise!?
Well it makes you wonder where they stand in the eyes of the law tbh H!
If for instance one of us was to lay a £50k floor ;)
And it was a catastrophic failure, and the adhesive used was the unmentioned one in the article, where would the tta stand?
Cos the adhesive company has not been named, you would go back to them and in true adhesive company style, they’d blame us, unless we could prove different. However as the tta have that information and they haven’t divulged it, does that make them guilty of conspiracy to defraud? I think they’d be on dodgy ground tbh. But what do I know? :rolleyes:

One Day

Well it makes you wonder where they stand in the eyes of the law tbh H!
If for instance one of us was to lay a £50k floor ;)
And it was a catastrophic failure, and the adhesive used was the unmentioned one in the article, where would the tta stand?
Cos the adhesive company has not been named, you would go back to them and in true adhesive company style, they’d blame us, unless we could prove different. However as the tta have that information and they haven’t divulged it, does that make them guilty of conspiracy to defraud? I think they’d be on dodgy ground tbh. But what do I know? :rolleyes:



Well it makes you wonder where they stand in the eyes of the law tbh H!
If for instance one of us was to lay a £50k floor ;)
And it was a catastrophic failure, and the adhesive used was the unmentioned one in the article, where would the tta stand?
Cos the adhesive company has not been named, you would go back to them and in true adhesive company style, they’d blame us, unless we could prove different. However as the tta have that information and they haven’t divulged it, does that make them guilty of conspiracy to defraud? I think they’d be on dodgy ground tbh. But what do I know? :rolleyes:
They probably cant say because as you say the adhesive company are disputing this and are blaming the test laboratory claiming the reason its failed is because they have taken it out of the packet and used it .

One Day

Well it makes you wonder where they stand in the eyes of the law tbh H!
If for instance one of us was to lay a £50k floor ;)
And it was a catastrophic failure, and the adhesive used was the unmentioned one in the article, where would the tta stand?
Cos the adhesive company has not been named, you would go back to them and in true adhesive company style, they’d blame us, unless we could prove different. However as the tta have that information and they haven’t divulged it, does that make them guilty of conspiracy to defraud? I think they’d be on dodgy ground tbh. But what do I know? :rolleyes:

So, the tile association have full knowledge that there is potentially problematic adhesive being used out here by unwitting people (could be me, or anyone in here) and they don't share that knowledge?
Say you had evidence that Ford focus cars were faulty and rather than publish that info, you just had a quiet word with Ford (who probably pay you a lot of money each year) would you share guilt if there are accidents by unwitting focus drivers??

Old Mod

So, the tile association have full knowledge that there is potentially problematic adhesive being used out here by unwitting people (could be me, or anyone in here) and they don't share that knowledge?
Say you had evidence that Ford focus cars were faulty and rather than publish that info, you just had a quiet word with Ford (who probably pay you a lot of money each year) would you share guilt if there are accidents by unwitting focus drivers??
But I’m not a governing body, I’m joe blogs!
If I were the Car Ombudsman, yes I’d expect to be culpable. Of course I would, is it not job as an independent overseer of cars to protect the general public as well as the industry?


Those results would probably have never come to light Tom, been dealt with in House.
The results still haven't come to light though as the 'independent' tester and TTA haven't named the manufacturer - I reckon a whole load of litigation is about to begin if they continue down this route.

Everyone knows the TTA are sponsored.

One Day

21st July 2018 at 9:27 am
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Whilst I applaud the investigation and welcome anything which drives up industry standards, please explain exactly why you would fail to publish the details of the non-conforming product/s?
There are likely many tilers – some of whom will be your members – who quite rightly will be concerned by the possibility of having specified and used non-conforming product/s.
Surely you have a duty of care to publish this information for two main reasons?
1) To help tilers to avoid specifying and using non-conforming products, and
2) To give weight to the use of EN 12004 and teeth to The Tile Association who to quote you in the article: “….are the Association that represents the entire industry.”


What I find odd is the article seems to suggest that manufacturing to a British standard is mandatory or that the standards are statute. Neither suggestion is correct. If you make the claim that a materials meet the necessary standards then you generally need to demonstrate compliance but it's not the law. There are hundreds of building materials that are not made to a British standard. From a purely legalistic point of view I find the article confusing at best. It levels veiled threats makes inaccurate claims and assertions and is misleading in true sensationalist journalistic style.
This thread hasn't been replied to for 14 days, so replying to this one may not get a response. Post a new thread instead.

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