Can anyone help identify this tile? 33cm x 33cm in grey / off white. The rest of the kitchen was from Homebase, so I assume this is the same.
Just looking for 2 or 3 spares to replace cracked tile in doorway.
They look beige on my phone! If you don't have the details from the original packaging you don't stand a chance of getting spare tiles, even with the info you would struggle to get tiles from the same batch. Best to remove a line or small rectangle of tiles and create a feature with a contrasting colour, saves taking up the whole floor. Hope this helps.
Can anyone help identify this tile? 33cm x 33cm in grey / off white. The rest of the kitchen was from Homebase, so I assume this is the same.
Just looking for 2 or 3 spares to replace cracked tile in doorway.