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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Crazy stuff. Not much you can do.

Make sure you're talking about all the products you need to use as a professional tiler when you're talking to the customer. That way if the carpenter and whatnot doesn't mention the same stuff, it can be off-putting as a customer to spend so much money on their tiles and fitting of them by the wrong guy.

Talk about tanking systems, primer instead of PVA, preparation and setting out etc. It's the least you can do and can help point out to the customer that they need an actual tiler and not just a guy who can stick tiles on the wall.

If the customer came from a tile shop as a lead, then speak to the tile shop and make sure they're stressing that a tiler needs to do the job not just any old bloke. They can help set the seed then too.


i have lost out on work like that, but if you lose out to numpty's then you don't really want customers like that anyway. All they want is the cheapest quote. As the others say give them a bit of technical info but not too much as to bore them. I always talk about sub straights, weight limits, primers, adhesives, another good one that works for me is i always take my grout charts in as well, i can always get the customer talking about the finished article and how it will look upon completion, get's them in a real positive mood about you and they are picking colours there and then. Doesn't always work but it's not a bad un.
When they're getting a few quotes, I always tell the customers to make sure they compare everything - not just the price. Compare materials, process, experience etc.. and even if they don't go with me, to make sure they get a Tiler, not a plumber, joiner, etc..

I've recently lost a quote where they're getting it done for just over half my price. The bloke said they were going with 2 guys who are gonna do it in 2 days, he sounded a bit cagey though when I asked if these 2 were Tilers. Good luck I said

(then I've also won a job for June where she said I was double some of the other quotes)

win some, lose some

John Benton

When they're getting a few quotes, I always tell the customers to make sure they compare everything - not just the price. Compare materials, process, experience etc.. and even if they don't go with me, to make sure they get a Tiler, not a plumber, joiner, etc..

I've recently lost a quote where they're getting it done for just over half my price. The bloke said they were going with 2 guys who are gonna do it in 2 days, he sounded a bit cagey though when I asked if these 2 were Tilers. Good luck I said

(then I've also won a job for June where she said I was double some of the other quotes)

win some, lose some

The job you've won you were probably up against the 2 other 'tilers'.

It just shows though, that some customers will listen to a professional and take the info on board!!
Following on from my post #8.. Got a call on Thursday from the guy, "we've had the work done, but there's some bits we're not happy with - can you come & have a look please", I asked why he can't ask the cheaper guys to come and fix it, he said they'd prefer me to have a look.. Sounds a bit fishy to me. I was a bit stumped for words, because of the cheek, but I am intrigued to see what quality I'm up against compared to my price. Apparently its the chrome trims & a window cill not being right.. I kinda fobbed him off saying I'm busy & I'll call you, but he's been chasing by text. They only live about 1/2 a mile away, so I'm gonna call round later this avo when I go out to get my bbq beer... I'll hopefully take a few pics but I don't think I'll be wanting to get involved, but it will pay for my Bud (I said I want £25 for the time, which they agreed) :cheers2:

Colour Republic

Why not take it on? The customer has obviously had to swallow their pride, they could have quite easily rang any other tiler out of the phone book.

Take a look, price up whatever work you think needs doing at your normal rate, if that requires a full rip out then so be it, tell them what it will cost and leave it at that. They will accept or not.

It's just business at the end of the day nothing personal.
Don't worry, I'm not one to dodge a quote or to swerve a bit of tricky work. Just been. It actually wasn't bad. It definitely wouldn't win a Cowboy JOTM award. They were expecting a perfect job, but got an alright job. Trouble is she said she wanted it perfect & that she was picky, which is fine by me - so my original quote took that into account. Unfortunately I haven't got any pictures - she didn't look impressed when I got my phone out to take a pic, so I didn't bother. Its just some chrome trim in the kitchen that hasn't been mitred, L shape butted up, and its a bit proud in some areas & a bit short in others. Few scratches on the trim from his shaky hands. Basic trim-work tbh, but that's the difference between snipping a bit of pvc trim & doing chrome I think.. So its a matter of taking the top row and edge tiles out & re-trimming, and a silicone bead round the worktop.. In the bathroom, there's 1or2 minor lips but nothing too major, they're happy with it in general, just a window cill that's part in the shower gathers water & they want it on a slope, so taking off the edge tiles/trim and re-fixing... They were a bit embarrassed & she was a tad upset, so I didn't rub any salt. Turns out they were tilers - site/council/social by the sound of it. But the difference between an alright job for site & a perfect job for domestic is just in the small details (& a few ££'s).. I've said I'll do it on a day rate & the cost of trim & adhesive, they're happy to wait, 'cos it will be 2-3weeks b4 I get a spare day... I told them to definitely call the tilers to at least let them know they're unhappy, as for all I know they might have won more local jobs on the cheap, and leaving them shoddy, effecting both me & you!.. So I got my spending money & bought 2 boxes of Bud. We're all happy! Roger.
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