mapei day

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hi lads, has the invitation to the mapei familiarisation day been extended or is it a pink forum only day? anyone going if so? :grin:
To far for me but would love to see there range, There only one independent that deals with mapei and they only do a couple of bags
does anyone know when it is? I seem to be doing the rounds at the mo.... already been to ardex and schluter
what was the ardex one like sibs. just been using there x7 again. if it wasnt so expensive i would use it all the time

Hi wayne it was very good.... I mainly wanted to learn about how to use self leveling compounds. It was only a few hours but if you come from a distance away they put you up in a nice hotel the night before so that ur close to the venue.
Get onto the ardex web site and look up "demo days"
June 11th but your name has to be down, limited to 10 people i believe

Thanks SirRamic I'll look into it
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It was only a few hours but if you come from a distance away they put you up in a nice hotel the night before so that ur close to the venue.
Thanks SirRamic I'll look into it

THEY put you in gratis ?


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