I CHARGE 20M2 TO PUNTERS,tell friends and family you are giving them the f&f discount at 15m2 and they can take it or leave it as the mortgage and family dont pay for themselves.AS GRUMPY SAYS BUSINESS IS BUSINESS.
I have never had a problem with working for friends and family...I like them all and they appreciate what I do best.....I would sooner do it than have some other person make a proper balls of it.......Gaz.
i only charge about £30 a day.butthey are my friends and familyand if they are genuine they always give you a large tip which bumps it up. and you get the bonus of finding out your close friends and who are not. at the end of the day we are all working class at least i am anyway, good luck
Only ever done friends and family and find it hard to charge full whack therefore after the ones in the pipeline i'm going to refuse and do strangers instead just not worth it!! Live and learn.