When connecting a new boiler into an existing switch fused connection unit and you are not modifying or extending any of the fixed circuit wiring, do you carry out the full range of tests shown on the minor works cert, with reference to a NICEIC version?
Zs @ db
R1R2 of the circuit up to the switch fuse
I/R test of the circuit before connecting the boiler
I/R test of the circuit when the boiler has been connected at a lower test voltage 250
Or would you just do a zs @ boiler and RCD tests etc?
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Zs @ db
R1R2 of the circuit up to the switch fuse
I/R test of the circuit before connecting the boiler
I/R test of the circuit when the boiler has been connected at a lower test voltage 250
Or would you just do a zs @ boiler and RCD tests etc?
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