was doing bathroom walls,it was brick affect i was half way up when i noticed i had 2 rows with the joints lined up,quickest i ever took tiles off she walked in and asked me wat i was doing,told her i was just testing her. lol
Done my first full bathroom.........the tiles went behind the sink so i unscrewed it from the wall to gain access for removing them. As i was chiselling tiles behind sink i slipped with chisel & cracked the sink......had to buy a new sink £100 :huh2:
Also when i fiitted it back to the wall i must of disturbed the water pipes as it leaked during the night & there was a nice puddle in their kitchen......another 80 quid to pay them back for plumber.
Did make much on this job...... oh, got liability insurance now, luckily not much damage with leak as this could of cost me loads.
Also used wrong addy on the wooden box sections & tiles won't stay up for long. (A couple fell off the following day):mad2:
On my first day there the customer said that when i finish her bathroom could i measure up & quote her en suite for tiling............funny......she never asked me again after i had finished her bathroom
one of my first jobs ...was a kitchen splash back with a picture of a fruit bowl on it (to be placed at hob area)...6 tiles in all..."infact it is in my gallery"...i was really looking forward to putting it up...well...seeing the customer took the hob of the wall...i went straight through with the picture tiles ...great i thought ..so took a picture of it ..took it home ..and to my horror realised the picture was far to low.. and to near the work top....
mentioned it to "gaz tops" and he said get it sorted it doesn't look right....lol.....so i went back at 11.30pm removed tiles and highered it...pmsl...thank god the house was empty!!
and of course when i told DH and Gaz that i highered it ..they decided that it would of been ok if i left it at that hieght lol
rotten gits....good laugh though...and to be honest it deffo needed highering...
so what i do now is use red CHALK on walls before i place all picture tiles on wall...it's a good tip as well because it stands out and gives you a good idea how it will look....lol
Still learning.
Did a splash back a few weeks back behind an aga which was on but had asked if could be turned off before i started but customer didnt like that idea as would be to dificult to relite.
If had been cold would have covered chrome tops with sticky backed floor protector but couldnt so covered with only dust sheets but these started to steam/ smoke and only covered infront of area working on but on moving sheet hadnt noticed small blob of adhesive which went on the other chrome cover and cooked rock hard .Removed the blob with finger nail but the damage was done and it left small scratch marks and have had to replce the chrome cover (cost more than the job ).
After talking to the supplier it isnt dificult to relite an AGA after initial start up period .
And NEVER EVER EVER put polyesta sheets on a hot one as you will cling wrap the thing.
So to all newbies just a word of warning.
I was sent to a house by a builder i do a lot of work for who told me his guys were on site, got there the guys showed me the tiles and the hallway floor i had to tile 8sq. The customer was away on holiday and was back the following day, so i got on with it loads of cutting etc anyway got it layed that day and turned up next day to grout, got it grouted around ten and customer arrived back and said to me... you do realise i want the laid diagonally like the tiles in the kitchen i was :furious3: i phoned the builder he said oh yes i forgot to mention that, all had to come up and be relayed got paid for both jobs but a bloody nightmare.
Doing job for a friend and we were doing prep work, just taken tiles off behind toilet and sat down for a rest, we were talking then went quiet and there was hissing noise!!!! yes water coming out of join between cistern and main part of loo!!! (disturbed seal) then i realised hadn't put temporary tile back behind cistern so it was exactly as it was before!!!! so thats a wee tip keep loo in the same position !
did a splasback the once in what i thought was a mixture of brown and beige tiles. finished the tiling by about 3, and thought great two boxes left over ill take em back for a bit of beer money. upon looking closer the two boxes left were the white which was also supposed to be on the walls!! luckily the adhesive hadnt gone off properly so it wasnt to difficult to go round popping in some random whites. LESSON LEARNED - Check all boxes before you start!