Oh, wow, Phil, what lovely comments! Thank you!!! It was great to meet you, Saad and I really loved having your company at the course, you did amazing work so quickly into the lesson, and like John very very quick on the uptake, I think the experienced tiler's eye for cuts and direction is very useful for all dimensional work, in mosaics and otherwise. I could feel ideas tumbling about in your mind how you may want to apply your new found additional repertoire, really nice.
Saad was buzzing afterwards, he really enjoyed himself and was so impressed with everybody. And John, how quick was he, too, happy as a pig in muck and that eye of his was amazing, he was having a ball wasn't he, and the banter was great fun, too! A pleasure to meet you both, the next course will be in Alexandria, ...we'll keep you posted!
PS: our journey back to Scarbrough should have taken us three hours and took us closer to 5.... serious holdups, too, but, yes, worth it. Thanks for being there, Phil and John
PPS: will post/send pictures as soon as possible, no worries...