Mosaic Pattern - can be use beetwen quarry tiles.

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This is done for conservatory in very old house. Whole floor will be cover with red quary tiles.
Just got your message, Lucas, thanks :thumbsup: Your mosaic looks just fine, everyone has their own preference in style and different points they consider important. It really doesn't matter what anyone else but your customer thinks, as long as the workmanship and materials stand up to how and where it will be used, so well done you, and good luck to you and your wife! :thumbsup:
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everyone has their own preference in style and different points they consider important. It really doesn't matter what anyone else but your customer thinks, as long as the workmanship and materials stand up to how and where it will be used :thumbsup:

wise words from a talented lady!
mosaics are an art and thats interpreted by the individual

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I just come back from customer and he was very happy. I start project on march.

Some specification:
Conservatory floor, 56sqm, tiles 15 x 15cm. 3 patterns - 2 stars on the sides and one big on central area 2m x 2m. Customer want keep all together in old style he don't want enything modern. All together will be like victorian floor. I open new topic when i start job. He wanted quarry tiles, but. I hate qurry so i finded nice porcelain tiles very similar to quarry.

I have got another mosaic project i send some pictures when i finish sample.

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That's a belter mate, I'm sure it will look great and customer will be overjoyed:hurray:

From Graeme


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