Thansk Lee for this. Some great info. I tend to use CTD so will check what they have. I like ardex so will see if i can source theirs. It seem a lot of folk glue ref points so will defo be going down that route. Can't believe i never thought to do that before.Flooring suppliers offer a better range of Dpms and levellers as they’re more commonly used in that trade. It all depends what brands you have available. My first choice would be Ardex, but F Ball, Tremco, Uzin, Mapei etc all do good systems. Just make sure that you stick with one brand for all the products.
As regards to the levels, if you can’t plug and screw reference points then simply Silicon plastic packets in place through the whole floor, set off your laser datum and allow to dry. If the floors really rough a coat of Ardex NA before the DPM would be the first thing to do, then apply your DPM, once dry set your packers and then level up in however many coats are needed.
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