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[ame=]YouTube - Black Country Alphabet Song - OFFICIAL VIDEO! T Shirts ON SALE[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Frank Skinner performs his "Osama Bin Laden" song at Birmingham's NIA[/ame]
[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]_45W-Lq7ftw[/MEDIA] - Celtic Woman - Scarborough Fair[/ame]
Ok, not really talking about the Scarborough in North Yorkshire, but who cares?

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ferry across the mersey and you'll never walk alone would be the usual but

i love liverpool and this song by coldplay sums up liverpool in a way....the lyrics 'we used to rule the world'....ironic hey....i know people love to slate liverpool but we were the richest and most powerful city in the world not so long ago and this country benefited from our success and rode on times have changed

YouTube - Liverpool- We used to rule the world....
I second that Ed (one day we will return)
I thought they where was'nt it a big event back in the middle ages a 45 day trading event, people from all over Britain Denmark Norway and the Byzantine Empire used to attend.

It said on some radio programme once that the song was about a Scarborough fair in the US somewhere, but maybe that was wrong?? Would be nice to think it was.. we still have the Scarborough fair here now,.... don't know..
This is a taste of the music from my town [ame][/ame]
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