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Mr Tiler

Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

Would of been done by now but took up the laminate and found chipboard... i think it was glued down tried to prie one paeic up but wouldnt come... not much bounce so went n orderd 5.5mm wbp laid them staggerd glued n screwed floors nice ,flat and level and am now a quater of the way through....... (ash braces for a slating) lol. Didnt use cement boards as she didnt want to fork out so went for the cheaper option. Hope this method was ok
The main reasons for over boarding is to eliminate any deflection (Bounce)
Rigid the whole sub-straight.

5.5 is rather thin and doesn't have much weight or strength in comparison to the minimum BS standard 15mm.

If you go ahead with the thin ply, make sure the chip board is fully screwed down. Screw the ply cross bonded to the chip board every 300 mm.
Prime the whole sheets of ply before tiling.
But being tiles and wood not being natural bed flows I don't recommend it.

Mr Tiler

Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

I wasnt sure what thickness to use the ply cost 60 quid for 9m2.... i will always remember to use a thicker ply if not cement boards from now on and if this floor fails i will replace it... sorry ali lol. Ive screwed it down at 200mm centres is this better or worse for the wood? It seems ok so far and am now getting worried... im just trying to think of the best ways to prep as its all in the prep aint it.
Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

Ffs tea bag been looking at your posts you've been posting for a few months, you've been told so many times how to prep I get the feeling your not a tiler or never going to be. Cover your trowels in dust and leave them were they are, and leave it to people that know there trade it riles me to think people like you are trying to take our work. Bit harsh but not only me is thinking this we work hard and most of the time get no appreciation don't think you will get it by posing as a tiler enough said sorry for being true full.
Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

Sorry for being harsh but you've read so many good posts by some of the best tilers in the country and still get it wrong. I started by tiling my own bathroom and thought that went well and started my own business. I never made a decent profit for years I'm now fully qualified well nvq 2 but that don't mean anything IMO. Pride dedication and on my case as as many others OCD May play a small part. After 12 years in the trade I'm happy in what I do and so are my customers and there 5 year guarantee if your just that little bit unsure then you shouldn't be doing it.........

Mr Tiler

Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

I didnt research it ali was a bad judgment i got it wrong didnt even second guess myself. Was using it as a cheap alternative to hardi as the floor seemed sound just needed a better surface. Sorry ever don but you tiled your bathroom and then started a business? So you started off as one of those people who ridiculously "take work from real tilers"? Why you having a go at me when im not even being paid for the work im doing it for not a penny. If i got it wrong sorry but your having a go at me when you did worse than me to start tiling.... you took hard earned when you were not trained as a tiler. Im goin to bed REMOVED it
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Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

I didnt research it ali was a bad judgment i got it wrong didnt even second guess myself. Was using it as a cheap alternative to hardi as the floor seemed sound just needed a better surface. Sorry ever don but you tiled your bathroom and then started a business? So you started off as one of those people who ridiculously "take work from real tilers"? Why you having a go at me when im not even being paid for the work im doing it for not a penny. If i got it wrong sorry but your having a go at me when you did worse than me to start tiling.... you took hard earned when you were not trained as a tiler. Im goin to bed REMOVED it

Ash, we have all made mistakes & that's how we learn, by our mistakes.
Learn from it & move on.
It might last 6 months or 6 years, no one knows.
As stated I still tile to 6mm ply. It will never fall back on me though so I don't worry about it too much. Although I don't like doing it its life at times, you advise & if they listen then all well & good.


Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

6mm ply isn't life at all , it is ludicrous and only a fool would tile to it , might sound harsh but that is life. Don't shoot me for being honest.

We all know the pit falls with this Dave but do you walk from a job that has 200m2 to fix with only 4m2 on a ply substrate?
I don't cut my nose off to spite my face..
It doesn't fall back on me so I'm prepared to do it..


Re: Naughty Dot & Dab!

We all know the pit falls with this Dave but do you walk from a job that has 200m2 to fix with only 4m2 on a ply substrate?
I don't cut my nose off to spite my face..
It doesn't fall back on me so I'm prepared to do it..[/QUOTE]

Surely if it goes belly up the first number the customer will be ringing is yours....

They won't as I'm subbied to the company.
The customer never gets my number or even my card. As far as they are concerned I am an employee of the company.
The only time they will use Hardie/Wedi is when I have to fit a heat mat.

Reply to Naughty Dot & Dab! Tiling on Grand Designs in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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