need advice

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hey, i need some help and advice from all u experienced tilers out there, ive been tiling since the start of the year for myself and made a pretty good start ive had lots of work no complaints a few reccomendations and now landed a contract for 100 splaskbacks, up until 7pm tonight i was thinkin everything is going sweet until i went a customers house to grout there walls and floor.
i tiled there bathroom on saturday and sunday in brickwork it looks lovely and was looking forward to groutin it tonight so i could take a picture, (sad i know) but when i got there and was taking the pins out to get ready to grout, a tile came off, and another and another about 20 times!!!!!! i nearly through in the towel! anyway the the chap bought the adhesive from b&q and i tiled onto tiles which i cleaned before starting, when the tiles came off the adhesive wasnt hard and set under them u could push ur finger into it and it was soft it was also still dark looking, any ideas? is it me or the adhesive? any help would be great so iit never happens again, i stuck the 20 odd tiles back on with my own bal adhesive so am goin back to grout tomorow and hopefully its not groundhog day!
Sounds like a lesson learned there mate, when a customer has gone and bought B&Q tiles I always stipulate I won't use their adhesive. Never used it myself , just what i have read on this forum. Best of British on the rest
so its not my fault then, i cant even charge the customer again because i never new the stuff would make them fall off im gutted! i always supply my own stuff but this job was through a mate that had already bought there stuff, thanks anyway
hello matey, no it's not you it's that b&q crap, i don't recommend using that stuff and i would never use it myself, take it with a pinch of salt and you will be fine, i dare say when you get back the tiles you replaced will be fine, better luck next time, and don't let the customer pick the adhesive find what you like and stick with it, all the best Mike....:thumbsdown:
It is not a good idea if it can be avoided to tile onto tile anyway. I suspect that you have used a dispersion adhesive which would have taken forever to dry out, which is why they popped off when you took the spacers out. To tile onto tile you need to be SURE that the walls are good and that you get proper adhesive to do it. There are plenty about but B&Q ain't the best place to get it from.

Check out info on the BAL or Ardex websites about tiling onto tile and you will see the types of adjesive that you should have used.

A sad tale I went through with the same product when I first started. It's hard mate, BUT, you have to be stern & tell them your using quality gear you suppy, and that it is usually cheaper than this diy stuff any way, or walk.


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