L Leetile May 8, 2008 #1 On the webiste it says you can get an accreddited qualification for an extra £50 what qualification is this? thanks Lee
On the webiste it says you can get an accreddited qualification for an extra £50 what qualification is this? thanks Lee
Y Yorkie May 9, 2008 #3 Tulsa, You better check thats correct as I beleive darren offers the ASET same as us but no doubt darren or others will answer this question in more detail
Tulsa, You better check thats correct as I beleive darren offers the ASET same as us but no doubt darren or others will answer this question in more detail
T Tulsa May 9, 2008 #5 My deepest apologies your right,no idea where i got that from,its been a long day
R Rad2474 May 10, 2008 #6 No problem Tulsa mate just send me 24 cans of stella and we'll call it even. 🙂