Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster. I’ve recently moved in to a new build property which looks like it was built on a late friday afternoon.
I wasn’t keen on the bathroom tiles so decided to redo the whole bathroom walls and floors.
After removing the bath wall tiles I noticed there doesn’t seem to be any waterproofing, also the tiles that were installed (can be seen in picture) seem to have been attached with tubbed mastic which I thought was a big no no in wet areas.
As you can see in the pictures it was tiled over skimmed and painted plasterboard (which I thought was also a no-no).
I accidentally made some holes in the plasterboard when removing the tiles and it seems to have that green paper layer if that makes any difference.
Am I right in saying this installation is against regulations and do I have a leg to stand on if I complain?
As I was planning on tiling the whole bathroom with 600mm x 900mm porcelain tiles I have removed the paint from the outer bathroom walls and gone over with a few coats of SBR but im not sure how to approach the bath area (assuming the builders wont do anything about it)
Should I :
A) remove all mastic, patch up holes, use a Mapei tanking kit (without removing bathtub)
B) Bite the bullet and remove all plasterboard and replace with something like this with taped seams:
I wasn’t keen on the bathroom tiles so decided to redo the whole bathroom walls and floors.
After removing the bath wall tiles I noticed there doesn’t seem to be any waterproofing, also the tiles that were installed (can be seen in picture) seem to have been attached with tubbed mastic which I thought was a big no no in wet areas.
As you can see in the pictures it was tiled over skimmed and painted plasterboard (which I thought was also a no-no).
I accidentally made some holes in the plasterboard when removing the tiles and it seems to have that green paper layer if that makes any difference.
Am I right in saying this installation is against regulations and do I have a leg to stand on if I complain?
As I was planning on tiling the whole bathroom with 600mm x 900mm porcelain tiles I have removed the paint from the outer bathroom walls and gone over with a few coats of SBR but im not sure how to approach the bath area (assuming the builders wont do anything about it)
Should I :
A) remove all mastic, patch up holes, use a Mapei tanking kit (without removing bathtub)
B) Bite the bullet and remove all plasterboard and replace with something like this with taped seams:
NoMorePly XPS Insulation Tile Backing Board - 1200 x 600 x 10mm | Wickes.co.uk
NoMorePly XPS Insulation Tile Backing Board - 1200 x 600 x 10mm