New Business on a Budget!

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Right to update, I have a good collection of tools and bits and bobs which now leaves me £400 towards the rest. Any ideas?

Van wise I don't know if I'll be better hiring one for the first few jobs, finance or HP?
what items do you have and what do you need? if you do need to borrow money for a van, borrow as little as possible and i'd prefer a bank loan rather than hire purchase
If your going to buy an oldish van try and check it out as much as you can, get a mechanic if you can. I started up a exactly a year ago, bought a Citroen Berlingo for £1000, i had it 9 months and head gasket blew, in total id spent £3000 on the van and that didnt include getting the head gasket fixed. In the end ive got a new Nissan Primastar but at a cost on finance.

Its a difficult desision, buying a van outright means you obviously dont have any outgoings, which is good for 1st few months until you pick up more work, but it can go wrong at any point.

Although it cost me £3000 in 9 months I couldnt afford a new van when I first started so although its a lot it did work out better for me.

So all i can say is take you time looking for a van, dont rush as i did.

Mike said:
what items do you have and what do you need? if you do need to borrow money for a van, borrow as little as possible and i'd prefer a bank loan rather than hire purchase

Why a bank loan over hp?

Already had plumbing stuff (being a plumber) so spent up £600 on tiling tools! Always made sure I don't buy too cheap but at the same time I don't have the funds to go too expensive. Don't really need anything else tool wise just yet.

Leaves me £400 towards insurances, vehicle and bits. Can get a vauxhall combo for £99 deposit and £100 a month from Peter vardy or a vivaro for £190 a month but that's hp. Monthly payments won't be an issue cos the missus earns well so if it's a quiet start as I've planned I won't struggle.
I just prefer a bank loan as the van is then mine. I'd also look at the overall price of the van not just the repayments.

tapatalk on my HTC
i got my used van from van monster, there may be a branch near you, there's 6 months tax and warranty with each van which is handy. i had good after sales service too
Cool I'll check them out thanks 🙂 just spied a Vito for £3,900 with 92k on the clock. It's an 05 plate and seems to be running well but someone has reserved it. Was shown a transit connect but my god it's an ugly van...


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