It's okay even if it was a criticism Diggy. I need feedback of all types to improve the place.I find the new site quite confusing and difficult to navigate myself. Not a criticism , just my view and experience so far.
Be happier once tapatalk is up and running.
I don't think there is actually I'll find out if I can customise one in for you.Is there a button or someway I can ignore a thread / stop it appearing on my screen, was thing your joke thread, it going to drive me mad ;(
I don't mind the look and navigation of the forum. Page load times are pretty slow for me but this might not be a problem for those in the UK with first world internet speeds. There's an in-browser lag when typing text of about 20 seconds so the text is appearing very slowly in the text box long after I've actually typed it. There's also a lag when scrolling down the pages, scrolling is very lumpy and sticky. Actually that delay in the text appearing is up to a minute and I'm a very slow one- fingered typist.
Browser is Opera and OS is WinXP SP2 running on an appaulingly old and slow Amilo laptop with 512meg Ram and a blisteringly fast Celeron 1.4Ghz processor.
Okay well if a couple of people are experiencing this, it needs looking into.I don't have Chrome installed but I've logged in using Firefox. The page load times are equally slow in fact maybe marginally slower and the lag in typing in the text box is far worse, I'm typing blind because so far only the first few words have appeared literally acsingle letter at a time.
It's similar to a complete lack of resources ssue like when you defrag with an AV scan in the background and everything literally grinds to a halt. I'm wondering if it's the advertising bars slowing things down but can't turn it off to see if thee's a difference.
My laptop doesn't have a graphics card it's very old and it used shared RAM for graphics.
I've just clicked on the 'more options' button and it's opened an advanced reply type box which is far more responsive, it works fine with no noticable delay whilst typing.. I think this is the only way I could use the forum.
im not sure how I feel about the new set up yet.
it is all a bit confusing and im lost most of the time.
one thing I don't like is that the time and date of the post is at the bottom of the post so I have to scroll down to see when it was posted. if its old I have to stay going down until I find the new one then go back up to start reading. so far I started reading old posts and got a bit of de cha view