Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern
That dos'nt make sense
Below is a few images of said ghost estates which we have in every town,city in ireland. Some towns are over run with them. We also have a massive housing need in this country where weve examples of married cples with kids having to move back into the grandparents home. In most cities here in the country there are hard working families that cant afford the rent because after our hosuing crisis, rents have went through the roof and in dublin for example, rent for a basic house in some areas is 1200-1500euro a month when just a few years ago they where 800euro. Anyone who has lost their job recently who has lived in dublin their entire life and cant get a job has to move away from their area because the government has put a cap on the rent that will be paid on social welfare, thou many have ended up on the street because cant get accommodated elsewhere in the country. We have familes of 4 and 5 stuck in hotels for over a year paid for by the government because theres no where to put them. Our little wee island goes from one disaster to the next and its a sad state of affairs.
All this could be sorted out if the government (who owns said ghost estates) if they would just finish the houses and house these families. What makes it even more comical is that they have spent more money in not doing the sensible thing with these estates. Same government has just spent over half billion trying to set up a company to charge us for water TWICE!! Thou in saying all this, i cant fault them with the BTWEA that im now on, at least ill have some nice shiny tools when turning up for work,lol.