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Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern


Have already in my tool kit. I purchased these in 2010 along with larger sizes thou haven't been used much since I was on a break. Hopefully now I've started up again they'll now get plenty of use

dave l and l

Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

I used to screw batten on wall but stopped doing that a few years ago. Now I start from cut. How do you go about setting tiles of without batten or cut. Is the tile just sitting on wall. If so what adhesive are you using that gets that type of hold . Cheers


Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

I used to screw batten on wall but stopped doing that a few years ago. Now I start from cut. How do you go about setting tiles of without batten or cut. Is the tile just sitting on wall. If so what adhesive are you using that gets that type of hold . Cheers

Me, I've never tried tiling without a batten but I always thought if I started without a cut, the tiles would move slightly and knock all my tiles out and end up chasing trying to keep all lines plumb and level. Any other tiler I know or worked with has always used the batten method.

Has anyone got a video or make one of their methods, would be really interested in seeing it.

Time's Ran Out

Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

I'am sure there are Tilers throughout the south of Ireland cheering to the rafters that their taxes are being spent on DIYers wanting the easy way!
Whats wrong with earning your money and using that to buy your fancy tools and doing it the correct way - then you can call it your own business.


Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

I'am sure there are Tilers throughout the south of Ireland cheering to the rafters that their taxes are being spent on DIYers wanting the easy way!
Whats wrong with earning your money and using that to buy your fancy tools and doing it the correct way - then you can call it your own business.

I'm surprised it took so long for a post like this but there's always one to pop up with it.

Me, I have all my own tools and always have done since i started out 22 years ago but if I am entitled to some help starting up my business again then I'll be grabing it with both hands. I have gave my fair share over the years with taxes and IMO I wouldn't mind some more in grants, better in my hands or others starting businesses rather than some aul farmer turned politician who's only job in government is to syphon money for himself and the people around him to hide in offshore accounts. At least I'll be paying back into the coffers once I start earning again!!!

P.s, I can assure you I'm no diyer ;)

Time's Ran Out

Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

Having never not used a batten to tile in 22 years you gave the impression of a DIY expert!
As for the attitude that you are entitled - that may be why your country is where it is now.
Why rub it in the nose of those that just get on and provide for their own without all the handouts and keep your thread to tiling advice - then you won't get replies 'like this' which in an open forum are here for discussion and opinion.
Still it must be Xmas - humbug.


Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

Having never not used a batten to tile in 22 years you gave the impression of a DIY expert!
As for the attitude that you are entitled - that may be why your country is where it is now.
Why rub it in the nose of those that just get on and provide for their own without all the handouts and keep your thread to tiling advice - then you won't get replies 'like this' which in an open forum are here for discussion and opinion.
Still it must be Xmas - humbug.

Using battens for 18 years legit and 4 years messing about doesn't make me an amateur DIYer, I'm just set in my ways and its always paid the bills. No one has ever suggested I work differently and not one complaint on my work.

What method is it you do when tiling. Do you just start of with your cuts or a different method?

White Room

Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

Yeah that's true, ghost estates we call them over here. Really sad to see even worse when weve a massive housing need here in the country where ordinary hard working families are being made homeless with the recent rent increases.

That dos'nt make sense:thumbsdown:


Re: New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from govern

That dos'nt make sense:thumbsdown:

Below is a few images of said ghost estates which we have in every town,city in ireland. Some towns are over run with them. We also have a massive housing need in this country where weve examples of married cples with kids having to move back into the grandparents home. In most cities here in the country there are hard working families that cant afford the rent because after our hosuing crisis, rents have went through the roof and in dublin for example, rent for a basic house in some areas is 1200-1500euro a month when just a few years ago they where 800euro. Anyone who has lost their job recently who has lived in dublin their entire life and cant get a job has to move away from their area because the government has put a cap on the rent that will be paid on social welfare, thou many have ended up on the street because cant get accommodated elsewhere in the country. We have familes of 4 and 5 stuck in hotels for over a year paid for by the government because theres no where to put them. Our little wee island goes from one disaster to the next and its a sad state of affairs.

All this could be sorted out if the government (who owns said ghost estates) if they would just finish the houses and house these families. What makes it even more comical is that they have spent more money in not doing the sensible thing with these estates. Same government has just spent over half billion trying to set up a company to charge us for water TWICE!! Thou in saying all this, i cant fault them with the BTWEA that im now on, at least ill have some nice shiny tools when turning up for work,lol.





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New member,started my own business again. Helping hand from government
Australia Tiling Forum
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Which tile adhesive brand did you use most this year?

  • Palace

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • Kerakoll

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Ardex

    Votes: 12 7.0%
  • Mapei

    Votes: 49 28.5%
  • Ultra Tile

    Votes: 21 12.2%
  • BAL

    Votes: 40 23.3%
  • Wedi

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Benfer

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • Tilemaster

    Votes: 24 14.0%
  • Weber

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • Other (any other brand not listed)

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Nicobond

    Votes: 8 4.7%
  • Norcros

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Kelmore

    Votes: 5 2.9%