started on wed on a bathroom lovely travertine tiles really expensive stuff top grade he paid £1400 for 19 mtrs here is the catch the man is totally blind he developed a rare eye disorder 5 years ago and lost his sight a lovely man too. Made me wonder why spend that sort of money on tiles when he cant see them but how wrong i was he measured the bathroom spot on too with 4 tiles over dont ask me how he did it but he did. A small bathroom and landing area to work in i was really worriied that he might fall on my tools or trip on my stair runner so tryed to keep everything out of his way but with no toilet to use as everything was first fix plumbed he had a toilet in the attic, with a roofspace ladder dangerous enough for me to go up and down but he just up the stairs past me onto the ladder 3 or 4 times a day :yikes:. Couldnt believe my eyes (pardon the pun) made me really appreciate how lucky i am to be healthy no more moaning about sore knees or back for this week at least anyone else had any strange situations like this!