spent the day with mr hobson and he was told me to pass on his best regards to all of you on here.
We got back on the forum for a few minutes but he couldnt see much because he needs stronger glasses.
He has his password now, so when he's got internet access and new glasses, he'll be on to catch up.
he has to take tablets up to 4 times a day and if he misses one, then it can cause all sorts of issues so I have told him to allow the carers to come out to remind him. Working is a no goer and he understands that and driving is going to have to be very closely monitored but all in all he's more settled now but he needs to listen to the dr's and do as they say.
Dave, he hasn't sorted out his heritage card. I have offered to pay as did deano but i think theres more to it than that regarding red tape etc
right, i have covered everything and thats it from me on this one. Don't forget, the odd phone call is the best way to help. Don't worry about donations and things, a friendly voice will work ;0)